



I like single line styles in my content this

.lblLogin       {left:14px;top:95px;position:absolute}
.lblPassword    {left:14px;top:128px;position:absolute}

When I drop a new control on a page VS creates generic style classes .Style1, .Style2, etc., after renaming them and making them single line, if I move a control on the page using the designer, then Visual Studio breaks my single line code (even if it is only a change to an existing property), like this...

.lblLogin       {left:24px;

top:93px; position:absolute } .lblPassword {left:14px;top:128px;position:absolute}

Is there ANY way to control this and make VS not mess with my single line styles? I'd also like to control the ORDER of the attributes in the Style, but probably asking for too much.

Thanks All!

+2  A: 

Tools--->Options--->Text Editor---->Css---->Format---->Compact Rules

Marwan Aouida
Thank-you!!!! Been looking for that forever ... I owe you a beer!
@Karl: you should mark the question answered
sean e
love to .. but I don't see anywhere to do that ... help :)