What are namespaces? In the broadest
definition namespaces are a way of
encapsulating items. This can be seen
as an abstract concept in many places.
For example, in any operating system
directories serve to group related
files, and act as a namespace for the
files within them. As a concrete
example, the file foo.txt can exist in
both directory /home/greg and in
/home/other, but two copies of foo.txt
cannot co-exist in the same directory.
In addition, to access the foo.txt
file outside of the /home/greg
directory, we must prepend the
directory name to the file name using
the directory separator to get
/home/greg/foo.txt. This same
principle extends to namespaces in the
programming world.
So, as another poster mentioned, namespaces can be used to group items together.
To see why this might be useful, suppose you want to write a plug-in for, say, Wordpress, and you want to create a class named 'MyClass'. The trouble is, though, you have no idea if some other developer has already written another Wordpress plug-in using a class named 'MyClass'. So to avoid naming conflicts, instead you name your class 'MyPluginMyClass'. This is annoying, but it probably avoids naming conflicts.
But then comes the release of PHP 5.3, which finally supports namespaces (let's assume, too, that Wordpress and all of the servers on which it is deployed upgrade to PHP 5.3). Now you can create a namespace, say 'MyPlugin', and encapsulate 'MyClass' within it. Having done this, you can publish your plugin without worrying that your version of 'MyClass' will conflict with someone else's version of 'MyClass'.