



Hi all,

I can't understand why If I compile the same source with Visual Studio 2008 (MSBuild) and then with csc (or NANT) at command line I can't obtain exacly the same binary file (the same assembly).

The command line is the same that is invoked by visual studio because I copy the command from the output window and then paste the command to the vs2008 command prompt.

I know that if I compile the same source at different time I obtain different binary because of the timestamps in the assembly metadata. In fact, if I compare two binaries produced by vs2008 at different time I notice small difference between the binary data.

But if I compile with vs and then with csc the binaries are very very different! Do you know why? What's wrong?


A very bold guess, but maybe the environment variables are not the same in the VS IDE and your terminal. In a worse case scenario maybe your terminal version links against another .NET framework or at least against a couple of other libraries/ code files or compiler switches?

it's a timestamp issue
Scott Weinstein
@Scott: The timestamp issue explains why building two binaries at different times produces *slightly* different binaries - but not why the binaries built from the command-line are *very* different from the VS ones.
Jon Skeet

You haven't said whether you're building debug or binary builds in Visual Studio. I'm not sure that the command-line default is the same as either of them.

Try building with explicit /debug and /o switches (set to however you want them) and match them up in Visual Studio. Also define the DEBUG and/or TRACE symbols if you have them defined in the Visual Studio build configuration.

Jon Skeet


Ciao Jon, thanks for your reply.

The Csc command line arguments it's exacly the same because I take it from the output window of visual studio and copy it in the visual studio 2008 prompt.

Following the command line:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Csc.exe /noconfig /nowarn:1701,1702 /errorreport:prompt /warn:4 /define:TRACE;USING_NET_35_SP1 /reference:..\..\lib\Iesi.Collections.dll /reference:..\..\lib\NHibernate.dll /reference:"C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Core.dll" /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll /reference:"C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Data.Services.dll" /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Xml.dll /debug- /filealign:512 /keyfile:..\NH.Linq.snk /optimize+ /out:obj\Release\NHibernate.Linq.dll /target:library Expressions\CollectionAccessExpression.cs Expressions\NHibernateExpression.cs Expressions\QuerySourceExpression.cs INHibernateQueryable.cs QueryOptions.cs Transform\TypeSafeConstructorMemberInitResultTransformer.cs Util\SessionFactoryUtil.cs Visitors\BinaryBooleanReducer.cs Visitors\BinaryCriterionType.cs Visitors\BinaryCriterionVisitor.cs Visitors\BinaryCriterionDelegates.cs Visitors\AssociationVisitor.cs CriteriaResultReader.cs Visitors\BinaryExpressionOrderer.cs Visitors\CollectionAliasVisitor.cs Visitors\RootVisitor.cs Visitors\EntityExpressionVisitor.cs Visitors\Evaluator.cs Expressions\EntityExpression.cs Expressions\NHibernateExpressionType.cs Expressions\PropertyAccessExpression.cs Visitors\InheritanceVisitor.cs Visitors\MemberNameVisitor.cs Visitors\ImmediateResultsVisitor.cs Visitors\NHibernateExpressionVisitor.cs NHibernateQueryProvider.cs Query.cs QueryProvider.cs Visitors\PropertyToMethodVisitor.cs Visitors\SelectManyVisitor.cs Transform\LinqJoinResultsTransformer.cs Util\DetachedCriteriaAdapter.cs Util\CriteriaUtil.cs Expressions\SqlFunctionAttribute.cs Expressions\SqlFunctionExpression.cs Expressions\SqlAggregateFunctionProjection.cs Visitors\GroupingArgumentsVisitor.cs Transform\LinqGroupingResultTransformer.cs NHibernateExtensions.cs IDbMethods.cs Visitors\ExpressionVisitor.cs Util\LinqUtil.cs NHibernateContext.cs Visitors\NHibernateQueryTranslator.cs Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs Util\QueryUtil.cs Visitors\SelectArgumentsVisitor.cs SqlClient\SqlClientExtensions.cs Util\TypeSystem.cs Visitors\WhereArgumentsVisitor.cs
Lorenzo Melato
Actually, VS doesn't *really* run csc in this way... that is a white lie; it shows this to be helpful, but I seem to recall that it interacts with the compiler more directly. I'd be surprised if you saw a significant difference, though. I'm not 100% sure what "very very different" includes, though - you'd need ILDASM etc.
Marc Gravell
Hello Marc, I have found this interesting post about the "two compiler thesis":
Lorenzo Melato

@ Marc Gravell, Divo, Jon: I have try to disassemble the two assemplies with ILDASM. After a deep analysis and compare, I have see that the IL contents is exacly the same, but all the classes and methods, property getter and setter, etc. are in a very different order in the assembly! So if I compare the two assemblies with and hex editor/comparer I see a completely different binary body!

Now I need to understand why VS and Csc interacts with the compiler in this different way!

Do you have a reference to a document that explain the two approches?

Lorenzo Melato
+1  A: 

There's no guarantee of any particular order of metadata made by the compiler. That said, there's nothing intentionally causing a different ordering between the in-proc compiler and csc.exe.