I have a process where I need to automate the process of generating the satellite assemblies. Specifically this is for WPF and combining Resx and BAML resources.
I've got a build script that works, but it requires manual adding of the .resources files I want to combine with the BAML resources. IOW, I have to add to the build script each time I add a .Resx resource. Not cool!
Currently I'm running the assembly linker manually and the script looks like this:
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<!-- Adds the build action 'LocBamlCsv' -->
<AvailableItemName Include="LocBamlCsv" />
<Target Name="CreateSatelliteAssemblies"
<!-- Locbaml needs the runtime assemblies in the intermediate dir -->
<Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)..\Tools\LocBaml.exe"
DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)" />
<!-- generate a .resources file for .csv merged output -->
<Exec Command="LocBaml /generate ..\..\$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetName).g.$(UICulture).resources /trans:%(LocBamlCsv.FullPath) /out:../../$(IntermediateOutputPath) /cul:%(LocBamlCsv.Culture)"
Outputs="$(OutputPath)%(LocBamlCsv.Culture)\$(TargetName).$(UICulture).dll" />
<!-- Generate the resource assembly by merging all .resources files -->
<!-- NOTE: Explicitly add any resource files here -->
<Exec Command="al /template:$(TargetName).exe /culture:%(LocBamlCsv.Culture) /out:%(LocBamlCsv.Culture)\$(TargetName).resources.dll /embed:$(TargetName).g.%(LocBamlCsv.Culture).resources /embed:$(TargetName).Properties.Resources.%(LocBamlCsv.Culture).resources"
As mentioned it works. but the last command that calls al would be much easier to work with if there was some way to use wild cards (ie. $(TargetName).*s.%(LocBamlCsv.Culture).resources.
I've tried a number of things. Using the build process apparently fires at the wrong time and it ends up failing to find files.