I tried:
cpan> i /xls2csv/
No objects found of any type for argument /xls2csv/
cpan> install xls2csv
Warning: Cannot install xls2csv, don't know what it is.
Try the command
i /xls2csv/
to find objects with matching identifiers.
I haven't had any problems installing registered modules, e.g.
cpan> install DateTime
It is just the xls2csv that is providing problems.
Thank you for any insights provided.
P.S. Constrained To Windows with ActivePerl 5.10 (I think) Also I have the xls2csv-1.06.tar.gz file downloaded and tried cpan> install C:/...path to file locally/xls2csv-1.06.tar.gz
That did not seem to work, and I must install locally.