



I have a method (static in this case) and i can't quite figure out the exact syntax for defining it.

static member FindPath : Queue<Node> startNode : Node endNode : Node nodes : List<Node> = 
    //this method will call two other to be constructed methods and return a 
    //queue that is the return value of one of them
    return new Queue<Node>()

it fails on the colon between startNode and the first Node with "Syntax error in labelled type". What would be the best way to make a method like this?

+3  A: 
static member FindPath (startNode : Node)
                       (endNode : Node)
                       (nodes : List<Node>)
                     : Queue<Node>
   = new Queue<Node>()
Ganesh Sittampalam
the problem then becomes what is the syntax for defining a multiline method like that?
In F# it's all about indentation. I've noticed it's not the first time you ask about multiline. Just indent the body 4 spaces (in VS you can just use one tab) compared to the method definition indentation and write the body. When the method finishes, just remove the last level of indentation
+5  A: 

To make it multiline you can just make the calls on separate lines

static member FindPath (startNode : Node) (endNode : Node) (nodes : List<Node>) = 
        let resultOfMethod1 = CallMethod1()
        new Queue<Node>()

Also i removed the return type because you shouldn't need it if you return a queue like that

so if the return type of CallMethod2 is a Queue of Nodes then it will automatically return that? BTW i would acccept both but SO doesnt allow that sorry.
Yes, the last expression of the method is the one returned. No 'return' keyword is needed.
Nathan Sanders
OK cool thanks.
F# does some real magic when it comes to infering the types of parameters. I bet if FindPath used startNode, endNode, and nodes only with functions that take a Node or Node list as the case may be, that you could remove ALL the type annotations on FindPath's declaration.
James Hugard