My problem is the folowing:
The string I give back with the ajaxcall and subsequently let it fadein is not fading in completely. The inner span tag with class="message" get's dropped at once. and the first is doing what it is supposed to. I need the inner spantag to ajust the position next to the image
so for clarity:
The string fades in normally without the (span class="message") and with it, it's not.
I can also narrow the problem, I think. It's got to do with ajusting the position with css.
I was wondering if this is normal behaviour and if I can avoid it in a nicely manor??
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$result .= "<li><strong>".$row[user]."</strong><img class=\"img_listitem\"
src=\"images/expand_icon_gl.gif\" /><span class=\"message\">".$row[message]."
<span class=\"date\">".$row['date']."</span></span></li>";
echo $result;
thanks, Richard