Hello i have this in a batch:
title batch :: Password
if exist util2.txt del util2.txt
echo Please enter your name:
Set name=
set /p name=Name:
echo %name%>> util.txt
echo Please enter a password you like to have:
Set passw=
<nul: set /p passw=Password:
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('cscript /nologo mask.vbs') do set passwd=%%i
echo %passw%>> base.txt
goto login
Mask.vbs contains:
Set oScriptPW = CreateObject("ScriptPW.Password")
strPassword = oScriptPW.GetPassword()
Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine strPassword
it isn't working. At 'Please enter a password you like to have' it keeps giving an error. It might be possible because the .txt file is not there, but should be created and some text should be in there. But by 'name' it is working.
It gives the following error message: 'Mask.vbs: Compile mistake: invalid character'