




I have the following code in Rails:

@possibleMatchingOffers = SmsOffer.valid.find(:all, :conditions => {:hub_phone_no => unhndledMsg.hub_phone_no})
    @matchingContact = @possibleMatchingOffers.biz_sms_reply_queues.valid.find(:all)

The Error I'm getting:

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.each

@possibleMatchingOffers is an array so it's not accepting to use the association (.biz_sms_reply_queues).

I can figure out manual way to do it but I was wondering if there is better easy way to do this.




Without knowing what you're intention is here, it looks like you need to turn the first "find" into an named scope. So it would look something like: SmsOffer.valid.by_hub_phone_no(unhndledMsg.hub_phone_no).biz_sms_reply_queues

Named scopes return AR Proxy objects, and thus, you can use an association on them.

What is "valid"? This isn't a rails method. Is it also a named scope? You should probably dry that up also.

BJ Clark
Thanks BJ..valid is actually a named scope but it's not the problem. What I want to do is to get related records for array of records. If I do something like:@possibleMatchingOffers = SmsOffer.valid.find(:first)@matchingContact = @possibleMatchingOffers.biz_sms_reply_queuesit works! but once I get an array of records for possibleMatchingOffers it doesn't work and I don't want to loop through the results to get them one by one so I was wondering if there is shortcut to do this in Rails
Can you post/tell me what biz_sms_reply_queues does? Does it want an array or an AR Proxy object?
BJ Clark