In a word, "no".
There are some edge cases where understanding the behavior of the Python memory management regime are useful, maybe even important, but these are extremely advanced areas. You can write secure, high-performance Python applications without the slightest idea how its garbage collector works.
More importantly, if you are going to be teaching a student, it's much more important that you focus on a good understanding of the fundamentals than deep interpreter-internals stuff. Also, different python VMs have different garbage collectors, so learning about this too early would actually be a bad thing; if you learn about CPython garbage collection and then rely on tricks and fiddly details of its implementation, you'll find that your code won't work on PyPy, Jython, or IronPython. Whereas if you just write good Python code that assumes the garbage collector works as advertised but the specifics of its behavior are implementation-defined, your code will often just work.