redirect_to :controller=>'groups',:action=>'invite'
but I got error because redirect_to send GET method I want to change this method to 'POST' there is no :method option in redirect_to what will I do ? Can I do this without redirect_to.
I have this in groups/invite.html.erb
<%= link_to "Send invite", group_members_path(:group_member=>{:user_id=>, :group_id=>,:sender_id=>,:status=>"requested"}), :method => :post %>
This link call create action in group_members controller,and after create action performed I want to show groups/invite.html.erb with group_id(I mean after click 'send invite' group_members will be created and then the current page will be shown) like this:
redirect_to :controller=>'groups',:action=>'invite',:group_id=>@group_member.group_id
After redirect_to request this with GET method, it calls show action in group and take invite as id and give this error
Couldn't find Group with ID=invite
My invite action in group
def invite
@friendships = current_user.friendships.find(:all,:conditions=>"status='accepted'")
The solution is I have to redirect this with POST method but I couldn't find a way.
Ugly solution: I solved this problem which I don't prefer. I still wait if you have solution in fair way.
My solution is add route for invite to get rid of 'Couldn't find Group with ID=invite' error.
in routes.rb
map.connect "/invite",:controller=>'groups',:action=>'invite'
in create action
redirect_to "/invite?group_id=#{@group_member.group_id}"
I call this solution in may language 'amele yontemi' in english 'manual worker method' (I think).