



+1  Q: 

ASP.net MVC Paging

I have textboxes loaded with data on my ASP.NET MVC page. If the user clicks the Next button I need to load the textboxes with the relevant data. Similarly I have Next, Prev and Last buttons for record navigation. I have no idea on how to implement this. If it is JQuery how I can implement it? How do I implement it in ASP.NET MVC?

+5  A: 
George Stocker
I went through that paging chapter. They are listing certain number of records from database. My scenario is different. I have Results Page with some records listed. If the user selects a particular record I will take it to the edit page with data loaded in textboxes. In this page I have buttons prev,next,last,first through which the user can navigate other records of search results in Edit mode. Please let me know some solution for this ! Thanks !
+1  A: 

change your model to implement a PagedList and then bind the each item in the result to a textbox, this can be done in Ajax using Jquery too

I tried this approach and not working for me. I doubt whether I did correctly. I would appreciate if you send some code samples to do this. Thanks !
I fixed the issue at my end and now it is working fine for me.