
Simple HelloWorld build script

I have a simple HelloWorld application that I'm trying to build using NAnt. However, even with the simplest of build files, I still cannot get it to work. Below is my HelloWorld.build file. <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="Hello World" default="build"> <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-3.5"/> <target name="b...

UAC gives me fits!

The code I am currently working on runs on Windows Server 2003, but needs to be able to write to EventLogs on multiple machines. I am coding in C#, using VS2008 Pro, and .NET Framework 3.5. The code itself is relatively simple (thanks to the framework): using (EventLog remoteEvtLog = new EventLog(LogName, HostName, EventSource)) { ...

Using C# extension methods from managed C++/CLI

Forgive me if my terminology is a little off. My knowledge of managed C++/CLI is very limited. I have an MFC application that uses a dll with the /clr option enabled. This dll uses a couple of C# dlls to communicate with a server using WCF. For the most part this works fine. In one of the C# dlls, I've added an extension method to t...

Web Help for a ASP.net 3.5 web application

Hi, I need to create User help for my web application. I know there are several expensive tools to create webhelp like Framemaker or Robohelp. Is there any opensource easy to use ones you can think of? Thanks ...

Safe to get Count value from generic collection without locking the collection?

I have two threads, a producer thread that places objects into a generic List collection and a consumer thread that pulls those objects out of the same generic List. I've got the reads and writes to the collection properly synchronized using the lock keyword, and everything is working fine. What I want to know is if it is ok to access ...

Convince me to move to .net 3.5 (from 2.0)

I am into new desktop app development. I feel at home with .NET 2.0 and c#. I guess I don't need linq, nor care for WPF and other Vista-oid fancy keywords. I also like rather tight and slim 2.0 redistributable, even more for reason it's Vista and 7 included. Why switch to 3.5? ...

learning ado.net in c# and looking for good code sample

Hi all, I am trying to learn ado.net. I want to see a real project, real code in 3 layes that works well and written well. I underrstand every part seperatly, I cn't get it right how it all work together tthis why I am asking to download 3 layers winform/wpf solution can anyone help? thanks ...

Is it possible to highlight a ComboBoxItem, but not set it as the selected item?

I have a combobox that I am populating with a list of parts for a Return Authorization receiving app. In our RA system, a customer can specify a return for a Kit, but only actually return part of the kit. So because of this, my combobox shows a list of parts that belong to the kit, and asks the receiver to choose which part was actually ...

DataGridView SortCompare event doesn't fire

Using VS2008, C# and .NET 3.5 I am using databound DataGridView controls to display tabular data read from a web service. In several cases, there is a numeric column that needs to be sorted. I have tried a couple of different ways to get this to work, but the column still ends up sorting alphabetically (ie, 1, 10, 2, 3 instead of 1, 2...

How do I set the default target framework in VS2008?

I would like all my project to default to .Net 3.5 when creating a new project, but it initially defaults to 2.0. I've spent a few hours online, and and a few hours digging through project templates. No luck. Can someone please help me out with this? ...

Can not call web service with basic authentication using WCF

I've been given a web service written in Java that I'm not able to make any changes to. It requires the user authenticate with basic authentication to access any of the methods. The suggested way to interact with this service in .NET is by using Visual Studio 2005 with WSE 3.0 installed. This is an issue, since the project is already ...

IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered question

In The Page_Load event of an ASP.NET USercontrol, I have the following Code: If Not Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered("ProperCase") Then 'doesnt seem to work but no apparent harm. Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(String), "ProperCase", GetJavaProperCase()) End If And here's a function...

Day of week/Time of day restrictions for a .NET application

Anyone have any ideas on a good way to model the following scenario in my domain/database for a .NET application? Let's say I have certain discounts that can be applied to sales transactions, but the discounts should only be applied on certain days of the week at certain times. So for example, if a sale occurs on Monday between the hours...

What will be the most performant and Why ?

Hello, i just have a little design question. If i got this code public Interface Test { void Xyz(); } public class1 : WebControl , Test { public void XyZ() { // do someting } public OnLoad() { ((Test)this).Xyz(); // or Test ctrl = this as Test; ctrl.Xyz(); // or Xyz(); } } Did the code will have a ...

Windows 2003 crashing with .NET 3.5 SP1

I have a product I developed based on Linq and Entity Framwork. Before they upgraded to SP1 I got an exeption when I tried to find the Entity Framework DLL. I asked the customer to upgrade to SP1. After that, they are getting bluescreen. Are there any known problems with .NET 3.5 SP1 and Windows 2003? I have a dump file. I downloaded ...

How to read outlook 2007 categories using c#

Hi all, I am using .net framework 3.5 by using C# to configure outlook 2007 I need to import all categories from outlook 2007 to my application particularly on dropdownlist, i want to listed all the categories from outlook to one combobox in my application, i don't know how to get all the categories, if anyone know reply ...

Entity Framework 3.5 - How to load children

My questions is probably very simple, how do you load children/subclasses. There is no "load" or anything like it that I can find to have the context load the children. the context class is of ObjectContext type, see below: public partial class RTIPricingEntities : global::System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext Product Product.Mo...

VB.NET: How to close and re-open a dialog in this case?

Hi, I'm developing a WinForms app in VB.NET, that handles sets of style data, and when the user clicks on another set's label, it prompts through a dialog "You are leaving this style preset to edit another one. keep changes on this one? [Yes] [No]" But, I'm facing the problem that, when the user clicks either option, and the dialog clos...

Unexpected results in Linq query

I have a Linq query that looks something like this: var myPosse = from p1 in people select p1; label1.Text = "All my peeps:" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (Person p in myPosse) { this.label1.Text += p.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } This gives me good results. But when I do something like this: var myPosse = fr...

How do I ignore an [XMLIgnore] Attribute

I'm trying to serialize some objects obtained from a 3rd Party .NET Lib to an XML File. When I Go To Definition for the object, some of the Properties of that object are marked as [XMLIgnore] Is there any way to tell my System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer to ignore the fact that some properties have that attribute and that it shoul...