
How do I do a "like" wildcard comparison in Entity Framework in .NET 4.0?

I'm using the Visual Studio 2010 RC for .NET 4.0 and I'm trying to figure out how to do a wildcard comparison with Entity Framework. I'd like to have the following query for EF where I find all the names that start with 'J' select * from Users where FirstName like 'J%' ...

How do I get Visual Studio to place the unit tests where I want them?

In both VSTS 2008 and VS 2010 RC1 when I create a Unit Test (mstest), I am not asked where I would like the project to be placed. It will always turn up at the Solution level. I would like to place the test project inside the folder of the class(es) that are being tested. I have tried unloading the unit test project and adding it to t...

Visual Studio 2010 RC with .net 4 beta 2

Does anyone know if it is possible to use Visual Studio 2010 RC with the beta 2 version of the .NET 4 framework? The reason I need to use the beta 2 version and not the RC is that there isn't an Expression Blend that can support the .NET 4 RC. I uninstalled the .NET 4 framework that installed with Visual Studio 2010, then I reinstalled ...

Whats the best way of using MVC + ajax (jquery) to load page content, aspx or ascx or both

I want to have a menu that when I click replaces the content of a "main" div with content from a mvc view. This works just fine if I use a .aspx page, but any master.page content is then doubled (like the and any css/js). If I do the same but uses a .ascx user control the content is loaded without the extras, but if any browser loads th...

Runtime-error in wpf with Window.AllowsTransparent set to true.

I get an exception thrown at runtime when I set AllowsTransparency="True" I get an exception saying the WindowStyle can not be set to None if AllowsTransparency is set to true. Even if I explicitly say that WindowStyle is set to SingleBorder I get this error. However, if I set WindowStyle to SingleBorder and remove the AllowsTransparency...

Do I need to compile my solution with VS2010 in order to benefit from .NET 4.0 new Code Access Security Policy?

Hello, I currently develop an application in C# with framework .NET 3.5 SP1. In my app, I have satellite assemblies which are not in the same folder as the exe, and that causes me some trouble with FullTrust, as explained here. In order to solve that problem, I wish to use .NET 4.0 whose Code Access Security Policy should allow my sa...