
How to use .netrc when running MKS Toolkit on Windows?

I am moving an application from Unix (AIX) to Windows. We have MKS Toolkit on the Windows server in order to run our shell scripts fairly unchanged. However, my old FTP jobs depend on the .netrc file. Can anybody tell me whether .netrc is supported under MKS Toolkit, and if yes, where to put the file? ...

Autocompletion from .netrc in Emacs

I use Emacs at work and at home, both on Windows XP, both EmacsW32. On my work computer, if I setup FTP login details for a site, for example: machine ftp.stackoverflow.com login codinghorror password orange then if I want to ftp there from Emacs, I just type /ftp.s<tab> and it knows from my .netrc that it can autocomplete to /ft...