
JBoss 4.x not deploying src folder to war

I am currently working on a web app that had previously run and deployed fine but after making a recent change JBoss will no longer deploy a complete war file. I was hoping someone here would have some advice on how to fix it. JBoss deploys everything in WEB-INF and META-INF fine but nothing in the class folder is getting deployed. I ...

Read resource inside context (.war) from a jar file

I am using JBoss4.0.1 and Struts2.1.6 I have an application which have some configuration file(appConfig.xml in folder WEB-INF/config). This congiuration file contains the relative paths of other files to be read.(other.xml, some.xml etc). Application is deployed as .war inside default/deploy I have a Utility package that reads the con...

Is it possible to deploy a new .war application without stopping the application?

Hey, I'm new to Grails, and I'm wondering about deployment. Once a .war is deployed to production, how can I update the application without downtime? ...

Can Flash Builder 4 create a .war file?

I'm doing Flex development in Flash Builder 4 and I haven't been able to find a way to get it to create a .war file. The project creation wizard lets you select a web server to run your project in so I would expect it to be able to create a .war file. The default behavior is just to copy everything into the project name under Tomcat's ...

Correct way to make datasources/resources a deploy-time setting

I have a web-app that requires two settings: A JDBC datasource A string token I desperately want to be able to deploy one .war to various different containers (jetty,tomcat,gf3 minimum) and configure these settings at application level within the container. My code does this: InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); Context envCt...

Executables in a war file

We'd like to ship some helper scripts (shell scripts) as part of an application war. Unfortunately it appears like our build system (maven) discard the permissions on all files and the scripts end up without the executable bit set. Is it even possible to do that? Does the .war format support executable files? If yes: how could tell mav...

linux command for extracting war file

i have centOS on my VPS and i upload myproject.war file to the tomcat application server (/webapp folder). how can i extract the .war file with linux command prompt? i'm using puTTy. ...