
Assembly code for 68HC11 to calculate sin(x).

What would be the assembly code for 68HC11 to calculate value of sine using either Taylor series or a lookup table? Display value will be only in integer. How would a lookup table work in this case? How can it be implemented using Taylor series? ...

Taylor series implementation in assembly language using 68hc11

How to implement Taylor series to calculate sine value in assembly using 68hc11. As 68hc11 does not support floating point, display value will be in integer..(e.g. multiply by 100 to make integer value). ...

Hunting for an (old?) 68HC11 Cross-Assembler

A friend has asked for help with some 68HC11 assembly code. The code was written for a DOS/Windows cross-assembler with an executable name of X68C11. Does anyone know if that assembler can still be found, or if there is a compatible assembler that exists? ...