
Replacing accented characters php

I am trying to replace accented characters with the normal replacements. Below is what I am currently doing. $string = "Éric Cantona"; $strict = strtolower($string); echo "After Lower: ".$strict; $patterns[0] = '/[á|â|à|å|ä]/'; $patterns[1] = '/[ð|é|ê|è|ë]/'; $patterns[2] = '/[í|î|ì|ï]/'; $patterns[3] = '/[...

php, mysql: compare strings - accent sensitive and case insensitive

hello guys! i need to perform a name search in the database based on a set of keywords. the result should be accent sensitive and case insensitive. following the solution i found here plus few modifications to allow case insensitivity, i used the following code: $sql = "SELECT name FROM table_names WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE _utf8 '%".str...