
Has anyone used Robotium or Calculon for testing Android apps?

Has anyone used Robotium or Calculon for testing Android apps? Are they useful? Any recommendations on which is better? ...

Using JUnit as an acceptance test framework

OK, so I work for a company who has openly adopted agile practices for development in recent years. Our unit tests and code quality are improving. One area we still are working on is to find what works best for us in the automated acceptance test arena. We want to take our well formed user stories and use these to drive the code in a ...

What are the benefits of automating acceptance testing?

Recently I read some articles about some doubts about benefits of acceptance testing, because it is quite costly compared to what it brings. To form my own opinion, I would like to gather as much benefits of automated acceptance testing as possible. Can you help me? ...

Acceptance Tests for a Windows Service

I'm writing a windows service that processes a number of different rss news feeds at regular intervals. These news items will be saved into our database and associated with different objects in the system. Although there is a set specification on what needs to happen, there is no UI component for the customer to verify. What's the best...

How to run White + SL4 UATs through TeamCity?

After experiencing a series of unpleasant issues with TFS, including source code orruption and project management inflexibility, we (meaning the project team of which I'm a part) have decided to move from TFS 2010 to TeamCity + SVN + V1. I've managed to get our MSTest component and unit tests running as part of every build. However, o...

how to tell autotest to correctly track changes in app source?

Hello, I want to get autotest to run Steak acceptance tests whenever one of my rails app's relevant files is changed. After studying Rspec's and Cucumber's own autotest configs, I'm trying the following mappings: Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at| at.add_mapping(%r%^spec/acceptance/.*_spec.rb$%, true) { |filename, _| filename...

How do I merge Valgrind memcheck reports from multiple runs of the same process?

I've got an set of acceptance tests that run nightly. I'd like to use valgrind to check for memory leaks in my code automatically as an additional safe-guard to manually checking for leaks. Updating my scripts to run my processes under valgrind is trivial, however, each test starts and stops a number of processes and there are around 1...

redirect a http request using selenium

This is quite a straight forward question that I can't seem to find a comprehensive answer for. When using Selenium and Selenium proxy, how I can make the proxy catch outgoing xhr requests to specific uri's and modify the destination to a pre-mocked alternative. I found this example form googling,

Testing distributed system

Are there any java-based frameworks for testing distributed systems with JUnit or TestNG? For instance I have a shared resource R and two clients (CA, CB) each connected to dedicated server (SA, SB). R can be used exclusively (one client at a time). I want to make a test that checks simple scenario: SA starts up. SB starts up. CA log...

Do Acceptance Testing of GUI actually show it when testing?

When doing Acceptance Testings to the GUI, do tests to the GUI actually show the GUI (in a fraction of a second, I suppose) or are they just mock implementations? I'm talking about frameworks as WindowLicker, White, NUnitForms, etc. ...

How should I implement this specflow step?

Okay, I've decided to try and get to grips with the whole TDD process from start to finish. I'm writing a simple blog in ASP.NET MVC 2 Application and have started with doing acceptance tests to test my fetaures as I implement them. I'm using SpecFlow as my BDD/ATDD framework. I've been reading "Growing Object Orientated Systems Guid...

Acceptance Tests for Tetris when using Test Driven Development

I want to try to implement the Tetris Game using TDD. From what I've come to understand when reading Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests, I should start by defining what would be my Acceptance tests. If I am right, Acceptance tests when doing TDD are defined just like Use Cases. It is of great importance to define a good ...

Difference between acceptance test and functional test?

What is the real difference between acceptance tests and functional tests? What are the highlights or aims of each? Everywhere I read they are ambiguously similar. ...

Acceptance testing for a chat client

Hello there. I'm writing a chat client (msn messenger style) and I've got some problems in writing the acceptance tests for the send/receive feature. Think for instance to the user story "A user can send a message to another user". 1- Should I test if the client sw correctly interacts with the server? In this case how should I represe...

Mixing Then and When in BDD User Stories/Acceptance Tests

How do you handle user stories/acceptance tests that have long chains like this one, where the Then/When mingle together? Is it best to split this into a separate acceptance test where one tests that the dialog appears and then the second one tests the behavior after the dialog has been shown? Feature: Confirmation before removing prod...

How can i test the interactions between 2 or more clients on different VMs?

I need to test the interactions between 2 ore more java clients in a complete end-to-end test. Without the GUIs ideally it should be something similar to (Junit syntax): @Test public void EndToEndTest(){ App firstApp = new App(); App secondApp = new App(); String msg = "something"; firstApp.send(msg); //this method will...

Can I run multiple RSpec/Selenium tests in order without resetting browser state?

So I just started using Steak, which in turn uses Capybara, which in turn uses Selenium. So I've heard it's good RSpec practice to split testing into lots of little it-clauses, each testing a small piece of functionality. But then it makes a test run take a lot longer, because the same steps get repeated for each test. Say I'm testing...

How to follow redirect from javascript in cucumber?

I have a a button (not a submit button) which does ajax calls before submitting another form. What I want to do is Given I am viewing homepage When I press "JustAButton" Then I should be on "/users/home" But the redirection happens somewhat late and "Then" statement fails considering that the page is still in homepage. How can I wait...

Can you clarify the differences between Conditions of Satisfaction (COS) and Acceptance Criteria?

My understanding so far: (please correct me if I'm wrong) Ideally, COS are specified early by the product owner in the Sprint planning, facilitating a conversation. They can be considered an abstract definition that will form the base of the Acceptance Criteria for the user story or the feature. Acceptance Criteria are developed by th...

Unit-Testing Acceptance-Tests?

I am currently making some Acceptance-Tests that will help drive the design of a program I am about to do. Everything seems fine except I've realized that the Acceptance-Tests are kinda complex, that is, although they are conceptually simple, they require quite a bit of tricky code to run. I'll need to make a couple of "helper" classes f...