
How can I make a user's content private?

Problem I have one role "creator" and under this role I have two users creator1 and creator 2, both have permissions to create content. So Creator 1 creates the page but this created page is visible under Administer->content for both the users and i want that to be user specific i.e the user who creates the page should only be able to e...

What are these constraints called? Where can I find out more?

Ok, I have been trying to get a 'custom' ACL to work with extra constraints. A normal ACL check is something like: if(aclCheck($user, 'edit', 'really_important_value')){ // Allow $user to 'edit' the 'really_important_value'. } else { // Deny $user to 'edit' the 'really_important_value'. } But, if different users have different...

Adding access control in GWT based applications.

I have a GWT based application. I want to add access control to it. Is there a way to add custom access control for GWT components? My idea about adding access control/permissions would be as following. Add access control annotation (if there exists one) to the class (GWT component) for which I need to add access control. When this ...

Yelp API Origin http://localhost:8888 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Using the following code, I get the error in the title of this question using Chrome's JavaScript developer console: jQuery.getJSON("", function(data){ jQuery.each(data, function(i,businesses){ jQuery("#yelpPreview")...