
signed applet gives AccessControlException: access denied, when calling from javascript

I have an easy self-signed an applet (done with keytool and the jarsigner): public class NetAppletLauncher extends JApplet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void init() { exec("notepad c:/hello.txt"); } public void exec(String command) { try { // launch EXE and grab stdin/stdout and stderr Proc...

AccessControlException creating file inside JSP

I try to create a new file inside a JSP and try to save it: final File file1 = new File("piechart.png"); ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, targetChart, 600, 400, info); I get a AccessControlException: access denied ( piechart.png write) at

Security problem while connecting MySQL using JDBC in GWT hosted mode

I want to connect to a mysql database at localhost:3306 using jdbc in a GWT servlet, but when try connecting i get this error : access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup) ... I know that i need to apply a security policy for tomcat to solve this proble, something like this : gra...

AccessControlException when connecting to a SFTP server using JSch from an Applet

The applet will download file from a SFTP server. JSch libraries are used to create a session, connect to the SFTP server using it, create a SFTP channel and execute GET command for that file on that server. The applet is signed. Code snippet for downloading a file: public static void prepareSession() throws JSchException { try ...

Java RMI (Server: TCP Connection Idle/Client: Unmarshalexception (EOFException))

I'm trying to implement Sun Tutorials RMI application that calculates Pi. I'm having some serious problems and I cant find the solution eventhough I've been searching the entire web and several javaskilled people. I'm hoping you can put an end to my frustrations. The crazy thing is that I can run the application from the cmd on my deskt...

Move File from /tmp to hosting account folder

I have write access to /tmp folder of my shared hosting account at godaddy. I want to move uploaded pictures from /tmp folder to my hosting account folder /home/content/x/y/z/xyz/html/pic/ I am trying to move file through jsp with no success. Folder permissions are set to (read write execute 0777). Godaddy support insists that transfer o...

AccessControlException when trying to redeploy webapp to Tomcat using Netbeans

I'm getting the following error trying redeploy an webapp on Tomcat from within Netbeans 6.8. It has probably something to do with the new deploy on save and hot swap functionality. Any ideas how to resolve this issue? INFO: Error registering wrapper with jmx StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/CubeAdSaSim2...

Java RMI AccessControlException: access denied

Hey im getting a AccessControlException: access denied when attempting to start up a RMI app im writing, I cant work out why I get this exception if I open it on the default port 1099, or on another dynamic port, my policy file currently grants everything (will change when app is finished). I am stuck as to where It is going wrong, any...

How to use the Rhino javascript engine in an applet

For my java program I'm using Rhino to execute JS scripts. Now I'm trying to convert it to an applet which works great, except that everytime it's calling evaluateString(...) the JVM throws an AccessControlException. After some (a lot) of research I found out that this is caused by Rhino's custom classloader. My problem is that after hou...

how to display a JFrame from an applet?

Hello everyone, I have this class called PollFrame that extends JFrame in a file called . PollFrame contains a form. I have an applet, which has a button in it. When the button is clicked, I want the PollFrame to be displayed. I set the ActionPerformed as: Pollframe poll = new PollFrame(); // This initializes the form po...

How to resolve a

I have written an SAX parser in my Google App Engine Web application. in that I try to validate my xml file with an xsd. But I am getting an access control exception when my code is tyring to access that xsd. access denied ( \WEB-INF\ApplicationResponse.xsd read) at java....