
C++ timing, milliseconds since last whole second

I'm working on a C++ application that needs detailed timing information, down to the millisecond level. We intend to gather the time to second accuracy using the standard time() function in . We would like to additionally gather the milliseconds elapsed since the last second given by time(). Does anyone know a convenient method fo...

accurate page view count

What is a good approach to keeping accurate counts of how many times a page has been viewed I'm using Django. Specifically, I don't want refreshing the page to up the count. ...

Accurate evaluation of 1/1 + 1/2 + ... 1/n row

I need to evaluate the sum of the row: 1/1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n. Considering that in C++ evaluations are not complete accurate, the order of summation plays important role. 1/n+1/(n-1)+...+1/2+1/1 expression gives the more accurate result. So I need to find out the order of summation, which provides the maximum accuracy. I don't even know wh...

accurate single pass penny computation

We have a cost C which must be assigned to departments 1..n. Another computation produces the share for each department, it is a number from 0 to 1, with more than 5 decimal places. The sum of all department shares is exactly 1, but they are not necessarily equal. The goal is to compute the exact dollars and cents to bill to each depa...

get location on iphone ONLY from the GPS - not the wifi network

hey guys i am creating an app that uses location- everything works swimmingly except one thing- when i come home my iphone connects to my local wifi network and instead of getting my location using the gps in the phone it tries to get it by figuring out where my wifi network is connected to- if i turn my wifi off it keeps an accurate ...