
Understanding Zope internals, from Django eyes

Note: This is not a post regarding which is better, zope or django? Its about understanding zope internals/architecture, when compared to Django's I am a newbee to zope and I previously worked on Django for about 2.5 years. So when I first jumped into Zope(v2)(only because my new company is using it since 7 years), I faced these questio...

New SQL Server - help with request of requirements for installing server w/SQl Server

So my employer has asked me to come up with list of "requirements" to put in a SQL Server. Just very general, however I am pretty inexperienced at such a thing. So my list looks like: SERVER SQL SERVER ENTERPRISE EDITION ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE and that is about it. I know very little about the make up of servers, so I have no idea what...

Does destructor of a C++ class that throws an exception gets called?

Suppose I have a class like this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Boda { private: char *ptr; public: Boda() { ptr = new char [20]; } ~Boda() { cout << "calling ~Boda\n"; delete [] ptr; } void ouch() { throw 99; ...