
How can I change the way MVC renders an action link dynamically?

I need to change the way MVC is rendering action links(and form's and url's, etc) based on a configuration setting. I am writing a facebook application using MS MVC and my action links need to render link so: <a href="/MyFBApplication/Home/Index/">home</a> clicking the above link would browse to:

permissions aware (icon) action links for all models: how?

I have several models, for which I want to show some common icons for action links (new, details, edit, delete) and some specific ones for certain models only; these iconlinks must only be showed when the user has permission to perform the action. Permissions are decided by roles, but I'd like to abstract them, so that the explicit neede...

Convert an HTML button to ActionLink

I have an html button setup and functioning with a set range of required properties that I'd like to convert to a text-based link instead. Additionally, so I can familiarize myself with working html helpers and intellesense I'd like to see how to shoehorn these properties into an ActionLink: <input type="button" id="RemoveRegistration_S...

Facebook Connect Action Links - Why Are They Adding QueryString Parameter to our URL's?

Hi Guys, I have a Facebook Connect application (IFrame, external website). When i post to the user's wall using the Old JavaScript API (FB.Connect.streamPublish), im specifying action links, as many people do. Here's the JSON for my action link: [{ 'text':'Do something on my site', 'href':'' }] ...