
Store SID or Username in database for AD Accounts?

A C# application I am developing needs to store some metadata for any users of the application (e.g for App Preferences, Permissions, etc). We are using AD for authorisation/authentication. Is it better to store the SID or the DOMAIN/Username in the application database to identify an AD Account? ...

Forum solution ( c#) handling Windows Authentication

Hi guys, We are searching for a Forum solution to integrate with one of the intranet solutions we have developed. At the moment we are testing Jitbit AspNetForum which seems to integrate quite well but it seems not to be focused on using it with Active Directory and Windows Authentication. We are not getting enough control over certai...

ASP .NET authentication against Active Directory and Roles via ASP.NET role provider

Hello, In my current project, we need to authenticate users of an ASP.NET application against Active Directory. I think it can be achieved using the membership provider without too much problems. but we need also to manage user roles that will be kept in the ASP roles management tool. Did anyone implement this configuration? Does it lo...

C# Active Directory query results limit

I'm running a query on a container to determine how many objects it contains: DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=Users,DC=XXX,DC=YYY"); string filter = "(objectClass=Person)"; string[] properties = { "distinguishedName" }; DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry, filter, properties, SearchScope.Subtree);...

How do I get the current logged in Active Directory username from VBA?

I am new to Active Directory. I have a VBA Excel Add-In that should run if, and only if, the computer that it is running on is currently logged into the Active Directory, whether locally or through a VPN. Knowing the domain name, how would I retrieve the user name for the currently logged in user? Thanks! ...

Does System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry contain a constructor that actually uses "domain\username" with Ldap?

Microsoft has a general purpose KB article (Q316748) describing how to authenticate against Active Directory using the DirectoryEntry object. In their example they produce a username value by concatenating the domain name and username into the standard NetBIOS format("domain\username") and passing that as a parameter to the directory ent...

web application - OC4J with Active Directory integration

i really need help. I'm searching for this from a very long time. I would like to make a servlet (application deployed on OC4J ) which will allow to enter users logged in domain (Active Directory) without any prompt for login and password. Is it possible to retrive in servlet : user name via getRemoteUser or getUserPrincipal methods with...

java web application integrating with active direcotry on OC4J server

i really need help. I'm searching for this from a very long time. I would like to make a servlet (application deployed on OC4J ) which will allow to enter users logged in domain (Active Directory) without any prompt for login and password. Is it possible to retrive in servlet : user name via getRemoteUser or getUserPrincipal methods with...

Missing AD server makes website go down

Hello, In our CMS solution we have a module that is handling integration towards an AD, the module uses a standard connection string in web.config. The customer has a setup of two AD-servers and routinely takes them down for maintenance one at a time. Unfortunately the AD-module only allows connection towards one AD-server and when that...

Security using the Membership provider that will support Active Directory and your own bespoke provider

I have a task of dealing with security on my .Net web application, the way it is to work is that if the user is logged in to Active Directory and the users AD name is in a database then they will be let in. On the same bases if the users AD name is not in the database then they will be asked to login, with a user name and password, held...

Accessing Custom Resource Properties of a Resource Mailbox in Active Directory

(This post is referencing Exchange 2010 but the capability of resource mailboxes was introduced in Exchange 2007) Exchange allows you to create different types of mailboxes for conference rooms - resource mailboxes - and assign custom properties to them, e.g. "Whiteboard", "A/V". These properties appear to be boolean, e.g. a conferenc...

Active Directory Autologin without Popup

Is there a way to auto-log a user in who is logged into active-directory without propmting them to use the login dialog. I cannot set the Auth method to windows as there are 5 differant login methods. Thanks ...

List all computers in active directory

Im wondering how to get a list of all computers / machines / pc from active directory? (Trying to make this page a search engine bait, will reply myself. If someone has a better reply il accept that ) ...

SharePoint migrating domains

I need to migrate our SharePoint farm to a new domain. Until everything is moved we have full trust set up between the domains. Farm Hardware One WFE/Index Server Two SQL DB Servers (clustered) I know how to do this using all new hardware from production to a dev environment but doing an in place migration seems more daunting. To...

Test Windows AD Integration on a workgroup machine.

Is there a dev aid that can simulate Windows AD on a non-domain machine, aka my dev laptop? ...

C# - Find all email addresses for an Active Directory user

I'm trying to get all the email addresses associated to a given AD user. For the user I have the domain and the login name (ex. DOMAIN\UserName) and I the AD is storing the email addresses in: The mail attribute. In proxyAddresses attributes. So far, I don't know what C# API to use to connect to the AD, and how to properly filter by...

Ask ActiveDirectory if a machine is a member of a group

This should be really easy but for some reason it doesn't seem to be. I want to ask AD if the current machine is a member of a particular group. Direct membership is fine. Group only contains 8 PC's and is extremely unlikely to grow beyond 30. C# code examples appreciated! ...

ADSI Library/Control for .NET

Is there an ADSI Library out there for .NET/C#? I have been able to find bits and pieces of code to do some tasks but nothing comprehensive. I'm looking for a library that I can just drop into my code and run without having to do too much customization? I'm thinking something along the lines of MEMM for Excel Thanks. ...

Complex mapped properties in Sharepoint

Is there any way to set a more complex mapping in a sharepoint profile? What I'm trying to do is set it so that a user's picture is set as the equivilent of String.Format("http://sharepoint/Photos/{0}_{1}.jpg", givenName, sn) But the properties only seem to support a simple 1-1 mapping of AD to profile attributes. ...

jBoss Portal LDAP Admin User

Hi guys, I've configured my jBoss Portal against our AD. Everything seems to work but now I'm facing a problem: How do I determine which AD group should be admin on the portal? Cheers and regards ...