
Where'd my ActivityDesigner togglebutton go?

It disappeared! I'm using the standard ActivityDesigner w/Collapsible UI example: <sap:ActivityDesigner x:Class="WHATTHEEFF.WhaHappenToMe" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:sap="clr- namespace:Blah blah standard stuff here" ...

How can I add validation error tooltips in an ActivityDesigner?

I can't seem to get it working at all. The ModelItem has a couple attached properties on it, ValidationState and ValidationError. I'd like to watch the ValidationState and, if Error or whatever, display the error in the tooltip for the control. Here's as close as I've come so far: <TextBox x:Name="expression" Text="{Binding M...

Reusing the TypePresenter in an ActivityDesigner

The TypePresenter, which is the dropdown for selecting types when defining Variables and Arguments in the workflow designer, can be reused in your own ActivityDesigners. It works great for the default types, but if you select Browse for types... the dialog which shows up is empty. Instead of having a nice list of referenced assemblie...