
Persisting the state column on transition using rubyist-aasm (acts as state machine)

What is the best way to persist the object's state to the database on a transition using aasm? I had thought that this would happen automatically but this doesn't seem to be the case. (Edit: when I manually save the object, the state column does get updated. But a save isn't done on transitions.) I can't find much useful documentation ...

Using acts_as_state_machine transition methods without saving

I want to be able to utilize the acts_as_state_machine transition methods which are auto-generated (e.g. event!).. but I don't want it to save right away. I'm updating the state as part of another set of operations, and so I don't want to be doing double saves. Is there any way to trigger these event methods without a save right afterwa...

AASM: Verifying which object is moving a state forward

I'm using AASM from In my example, I have a Karate dojo rails site. On the site, Teachers can manage the classes they instruct and move their students to the next logical belt. My "Student" model use AASM for belt progression and it's defined like this: cl...