
Rails & Acts-as-versioned: How would you restfully revert records?

How can you revert records in a way that respects REST conventions and routing? I am looking for examples of how to setup my routes.rb and build the link & controller action to do the revert. All the examples I have found are pre-REST rails. My understanding is that I need to have revert_to_version function in my resource controller....

General question about Ruby

Hi All, I have installed the acts_as_versioned plugin from in my rails application, and there was a block of code that I don't fully understand, I was hoping someone could clear this up for me class_eval <<-CLASS_METHODS def a_bunch_of_stuff .... end CLASS_METHODS I get that the methods inside the block (or whateve...

What's the best way to store the ActiveRecord Models with Versions and their Associations with Versions?

If all I have is one model (for example Wiki) and want to save it along with its versions, I could use acts_as_versioned plugin which stores the wikis in "wikis" table and its versions in "wikis_versions" table. This is plain an simple even if I want to moderate the latest version before showing it to the public using a field as status w...

updated acts_as_versioned_association

hi has anyone got a acts_as_versioned or acts_as_audited that supports the models associtions ? like the acts_as_versioned_association but this doesnt work in rails 2 + ? Also can you use globalize2 with any of these plugins ? Does anyone have any experience using versions and globalize2 ? thanks alot rick ...

versioning has_many_polymorphs associations

I've done a research on rails versioning support and found plugins like acts_as_versioned, acts_as_versioned_association (this one have a really serious lack of documentation), simply_versioned and acts_subversive. Some of these support versioning of associations but haven't power enough to go smoothly with polymorphics ones. I'm wonde...

Versioning of Models in Ruby on Rails

I'm looking for a plugin/act to allow versioning of my models. It's kind of difficult to find a list of the available solutions. So far I gathered: acts_as_versioned simply_versioned vestal_versions The last two solutions only require a single version table - this sounds nice, but I've got a bad feeling about how the ease of migratio...

NHibernate Versioning

I'd like to do something like the acts_as_versioned Rails plugin in NHibernate. Anyone have any suggestions for how to do this? Do I have to create a class for Entity and VersionedEntity? I'm pretty sure you'd use an Interceptor to write to the version table, but are there any suggestions for doing this? Thanks, Nathan ...

Creating fixtures out of other fixtures in Rails

I'm using acts_as_versioned for versioning a model Post. The plugin basically allows versioning a model by using an additional table that stores the different versions of each post. In my tests, I have defined some posts in posts.yml. However, the fixtures with the initial versions for this posts (in file posts_versions.yml) have to be ...