
iChat Google Talk - Cannot connect mystery.

Using iChat, I cannot connect to Google jabber server. I have deleted all jabber related keychain entries. I tested my user/pass on the web-based talkgadget to ensure I had the correct info. I can connect to the port via telnet, so there is no firewall issue AFAIK. However, testing with Adium also revealed an inability to connect (at...

Convert Yahoo Messenger Logs to Adium Logs

Is there a way to convert logs from YM for mac to Adium ? Thanks Cezar ...

Receive Adium messages in Applescript

I'm trying to write a simple chat bot for Adium, that will post "lol" and "haha" and answer basic questions in annoying group chats that some people keep adding me to. I've covered the "lol" part with a few simple send and delay commands in a repeat, but I need to do some interaction as well. Answer "yes" to anything with a question mar...

Make new chat in Adium using Cocoa ScriptingBridge

The following AppleScript code works fine: tell application "Adium" to tell first account to make new chat with contacts {first contact} with new chat window But how can I do the same using Cocoa's ScriptingBridge? ...