
How do I call a stored procedure exposed as an Entity Framework Function Import through ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria)?

I've created an Entity Data Model and imported several stored procedures as Function Imports. I'm exposing the EDM through ADO.NET Data Services (ANDS). Does ANDS automatically expose the functions through its REST API, or do I need to manually add operations to the service? ...

How do I use Read-Only properties defined in partial (Entity Framework) classes over ADO.Net Data Services

I have objects that are defined by the Entity Framework that I have then added additional methods and properties to via partial classes. I think I understand most of the limitations around doing this, but wanted to confirm something I am seeing (or hopefully learn what I need to do to make this work). I have a partial class that then h...

How to mock ADO.Net Dataservice calls from Silverlight

Has anyone found a good method of mocking out ADO.Net Data Service calls from a Silverlight application? The power of Data Services seems to be the use of linq, client side, over entities. However when testing the objects that do the data access how can you mock out the service? One way is to create an entire mock Data Service, but th...

Synchronous ADO.NET dataservices calls in Silverlight

I'm using ADO.NET dataservices in a Silverlight application and since the silverlight libraries don't support the ToList() call on the IQueryable I thought it might be possible to create an extension method around this called SilverlightToList(). So in this method I'm calling the BeginExecute method on my context as shown below: ...

Intermediate dataservice in Silverlight

We're using Silverlight 2 with ADO.NET dataservices and to test the silverlight page we used a service in the same domain which works fine. We then decided to try use a proxy or intermediate service (sitting in the same domain as the Silverlight app) which basically just surfaces a service sitting in another domain (by using the class ge...

Not the right <type>?

I'm confused. I've got a Silverlight project that currently runs and displays a list of servers from my mocked model (I am following the MVVM pattern). The interface is coded as follows: public class GetServersCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs { public Exception Error {get; set;} public IEnumerable<LicenseServer> Results {get; pr...

subsonic 3 alpha + data services any samples

There are a couple of resources on the Internet describing preview 2 of subsonic with Astoria : and working sample at I applied all respective changes ...

Why does ADO.NET Data Services use $ as query param identifier?

/Customers?$skip=30&$top=10 Is there a reason why you need '?' or '&' AND '$' to identify a query parameter? Is this a case of the implementation leaking into the interface? I dont necessarily want to expose to users the blatant fact that I'm using .NET Data Services. especially, if at a later date I want to change the implementation ...

ADO.NET Data Service Entities Exposed to WCF

If a WCF service is consuming ADO.NET Data Services, what is the best approach to expose the Data objects to the WCF conusmers? DTO with your own Data Contract attributes? Is there a way to expose the Data objects directly to the WCF service's clients? ...

ADO.NET Data Service Exception Handling

I am looking for information on how people are handling business rule (and field validations) using an ADO.NET Data Service wrapped around an Entity Framework object context. I have seen numerous posts/articles/etc that seem to be fine with just throwing an exception. I would prefer to have an object that contains a set of errors with ...

Customize ADO.NET Data Service Exception

Is it possible to have a DataServiceException pass along a list of errors to consumers? Rather than just receive the standard Message, Stacktrace information I would also like to have a list of errors when various validations fail on a model. I tried to set the DataServiceException's inner exception to FaultException. [DataContract] p...

Self Hosted ADO.NET Data Services, comsuming from an external Silverlight application

Issue: An issue exists whereby I cannot access my Self Hosted ADO.NET Data Services from my RIA applications. My services are hosted separately to the web projects with the Rich Internet Applications (RIA)s. I need to enable access from separate Silverlight (and Flash) client apps. From Silverlight I get an exception (see below) when...

When hosting an ADO.NET DataService<T> in a WCF WebServiceHost how does one get access to the credentials supplied in the request?

If I have a type like: public class Context { public Context() { } public IQueryable<Record> Records { get { if (user == someone) //psuedocode { //return something } else { //return something else } ...


Is there a GetTable or similar method on The dataserviceContext object in silverlight. I need to write a generic query builder to aid my silverlight LOB app. This could carve the workload in half. I already use expression trees passed in from Lambdas for the Where clause, it would just be could to be able to specify the entity w...

Change DataSource WCF Data Services

Anybody know how to change the current data source of a DataServices on the fly? by Example i want to consultthe service and pass a parameter saying to pick up another connection., Is Possible??? ...

WCF Data Services - neither .Expand or .LoadProperty seems to do what I need

I am building a school management app where they track student tardiness and absences. I've got three entities to help me in this. A Students entity (first name, last name, ID, etc.); a SystemAbsenceTypes entity with SystemAbsenceTypeID values for Late, Absent-with-Reason, Absent-without-Reason; and a cross-reference table called Stude...

What's the best way to validate EntityFramwork 4.0 classes?

Hi! I've done a fair amount of searching but I've yet to find an easy way to validate EntityFramework 4.0 entities passed accross the wire via WCF Data Services. Basically, I want to do something on the client like: Proxy.MyEntities entities = new Proxy.MyEntities( new Uri("http://localhost:2679/Service.svc")); ...

How do I properly host a WCF Data Service that connects to SQLServer in IIS? Why am I getting errors?

I'm playing around with WCF Data Services (ADO.NET Data Services). I have an entity framework model pointed at the AdventureWorks database. When I debug my svc file from within Visual Studio, it works great. I can say /awservice.svc/Customers and get back the ATOM feed I expect. If I publish the service (hosted in an ASP.NET web appl...

How i can send an HttpRequest from C++

Im using DataServices and OData protocol, i need to generate Get, Post, Delete, and Update from a c++ aplication. how i can do this? the easiest way ?? ...

Using LinqExtender to make OData feed fails

A pretty simple question, has anyone here tried to make a OData feed based on a IQueryable created with LinqExtender? I have created a simple Linq-provider that supports Where, Select, OrderBy and Take and wanted to expose it as an OData Feed. I keep getting an error though, and the Exception is a NullReference with the following StackT...