Spring.NET and ADO.NET Entity Data Model

Having defined an ADO.NET Entity Data Model, I can then instantiate it in a Repository class to query against the database. using (ApplicationEntities ctx = new ApplicationEntities()) { // query, CRUD, etc } However, that particular line of code becomes boilerplate in most of the methods in the repository class. Is it possible to...

Can I create a transaction using ADO NET Entity Data Model?

Hi is it possible on the following try-catch to execute a set of statements as a transaction using ADO NET Entity Data Model? [ValidateInput(false)] [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Create(Customer c) { try { c.Created = DateTime.Now; c.Active = true; c.FullName = Request.Form["FirstN...

Table and column naming conventions when plural and singular forms are odd or the same

In my search I found mostly arguments for whether to use plurality in database naming conventions, and ways to handle it in either case. I have decided I prefer plural table names, so I don't want to argue that. I need to represent an animal's species and genus and so on in a database. The plural and singular form for 'species' are the ...

Entity Relationship Multiple 1:1's

I have an application where I have a generic object (table) called Hull. Each hull in the table is unique. I have another object that has three hulls, but they are specifically the Port_Hull, Center_Hull and Starboard_Hull. Rather than create a One to Many relationship, I was trying to create a one to one relationship for each one,...

ASP.Net Layered app - Share Entity Data Model amongst layers

How can I share the auto-generated entity data model (generated object classes) amongst all layers of my C# web app whilst only granting query access in the data layer? This uses the typical 3 layer approach: data, business, presentation. My data layer returns an IEnumerable<T> to my business layer, but I cannot return type T to the pre...

Entity Data Model .SaveChanges "hangs" user interface

I'm using an EDM object along with a dataGridView and bindingSource. After adding many (1000's) of new elements to my binding source/grid, a call to context.SaveChanges from a button click results in the UI hanging for many seconds. I've read that EDM objects are not thread-safe so I don't think I can put this task on a background work...

ADO.NET Entity Data Model - Duplicates

How can I add a Unqiue index to a column like in SQL, so it wont allow duplicates in the column? ...

Creating cutom entities in ADO.NET Entity Framework

I'm using AdventureWorks database and created a ADO.NET Entity file (*.edmx) and I selected all tables. Now I created a custom entity named SalesOrder and I created some scalar properties in that entity names OrderID,OrderDate,CustomerID,CustomerType and I tried to map the OrderID,OrderDate,CustomerID with SalesOrderHeader respective fie...

Create database from ADO Entity Data Model

Hi, I've described my model using an Ado Entity Data Model file (*.edmx), and i wish now to generate my db schema and tables from it. Is it possible? Thanks ...

How to programatically create a database from an ADO.Net Entity Model?

I am using .Net Framework 4.0. I have an entity model (.edmx) and I have a menu option in my program for connecting to an existing database or creating a new one. When the user selects to create a new database, I want to generate the database and schema from the entity model. Any idea how to do so? ...

EF4 is throwing an error "Schema specified is not valid"

I'm getting a weird EF4 "Entity Framework v4" error when I do a select on the context. There I get is: Schema specified is not valid. Errors: The relationship 'AnalyzerConfigurationModel.FK_AnalyzerMetadataParameters_AnalyzerMetadata' was not loaded because the type 'AnalyzerConfigurationModel.AnalyzerMetadataParameter' is not availab...

How to properly reserve identity values for usage in a database?

We have some code in which we need to maintain our own identity (PK) column in SQL. We have a table in which we bulk insert data, but we add data to related tables before the bulk insert is done, thus we can not use an IDENTITY column and find out the value up front. The current code is selecting the MAX value of the field and increment...

How do I Get a WCF Service & a Website calling it to execute under your network login rather than NETWORK Service

When I developed a site with VS 2008 it happily connected to a the webservice in the solution, then connected to the database (using ADO.Net Entities) and ran my query. Now I come to rolling out the site. When it connects to the webservice it is connecting as NETWORK SERVICE - which I don't want - I need it to connect as 'MYCREDENTIAS'....

ADO.Net Entity Model - Is there a dialog for selecting the database?

I am looking for the standard dialog that will allow a user to create a database, connect to an existing database, select the database, test connection, etc.. and create the connection string from that. Is there some standard control for this? ...

How to bind a query with a join to a DataGridView?

Right now, I have created a new Object data source based off from an Object Context from the entity model. I then created a BindingSource and a DataGridView set to this BindingSource. I can add columns which are bound to the data from the TraceLine table. When I set the DataSource, I see values in those columns. However, I can’t seem to...

Is ADO.NET Entity Framework (with ASP.NET MVC v2) a viable option when writing custom and contantly updated websites?

Hello SO, I've just finished going through the MvcMusicStore tutorial found here. It's an excellent tutorial with working source code. One of my favorite MVC v2 tutorials so far. That tutorial is my first introduction to using ADO.NET Entity Framework and I must admit that most of it was really quick and straight-forward. However, I am...

Get Specific Value from entity.OriginalValues in EFv4

I have an ObjectStateEntry "entry". I need to get a property value from this "entry" like so, but I don't know how to specify the property I want. I use entry.OriginalValues(propName) but then what? ...

Entity Framework: Save Object?

Here is my code: Partial Public Class AppsEntities Private Sub OnContextCreated() AddHandler Me.SavingChanges, AddressOf context_SavingChanges End Sub Private Shared Sub context_SavingChanges(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) For Each entry As ObjectStateEntry In DirectCast(sender, ObjectContext).ObjectStateManager.G...

How to validate a database against an entity model?

I allow users to specify the data source and connection details. When this is complete, I set the Entity connection string. How do I validate the database they have chosen against the entity model right away? I don't want to get further in the program to have it fail. ...

Creating an ADO.NET Entity from primary key-less view (or stored procedure)

Using either a view and/or stored procedure, I can return the results of executing an MDX query against SQL Analysis Services (using OPENROWSET against a linked SSAS Server into SQL). Unfortunately, the resultset doesn't include a PK field...or for that matter, even a column which COULD act as a PK if I were to hack the model. Can an...