
Why do some Google AdSense hyperlinks use “s-p: go to”?

In some Google ads I have found that the hyperlink hrefs look like this href="s-p: Go to" These work, but I cannot see the code that translates the s-p: bit into an actual url. What 'veil of ignorance' am I peering behind, please? I would like to know how the conversion is done. What technology is in use here? This is an A...

Youtube see adsense benefits

Hello, I have adsense, and all my youtube videos have the option "Allow advertising" in youtube (im in the partners program). My doubt is ¿How could i see the benefits that comes with this kind of ads in youtube from my adsense account? Thanks in advance. Best Regards. Jose ...

Is it possible to detect if there is an ad in an ad slot before showing it?

I've built a 'sliding billboard' snippet using javascript in which the ad shows the top 30x960 of an ad on page load and when the user clicks the Expand button it slides open to reveal the whole 300x960 ad. All works great when I integrated AdSense but (always a but!) when we have no ad to display it still shows the 30x960. This would ...

Removing google adsense breaks website - Wordpress custom_functions.php

I added following code in wordpress custom_function.php file a while ago to display google adsense. Now I want to remove the code but my website breaks when I comment out the following code. I don't understand why. Please provide your input on this. function sidebar_ads() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-...

removing a user from google adsense

My old company gave me access a while ago to their Adwords/Adsense account. I no longer work for them, and I no longer have access to their Adwords account, but they show up for some reason in the "Users with Access" section of my Adsense account. How do I remove them from my Adsense account? Someone suggested looking in my Adwords acc...

Google Adsense: how can I break down the number of clicks by advert on the reports

Hi all. I have a webpage where I have 3 ads that I have set up on Google Adsense. I would love to be able to know how many clicks they generate individually. On the report section, I can get only the total number of clicks. Is it possible to do what I am trying to do? If so, how? Thanks, Dan ...