
ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 - Get element out of dataview

Hi, I'm playing around with the Ajax 4 preview & am stuck on something... I've got the following dataview: <ul id="paymentOptionListView" class="list sys-template"> <li> <input id="Radio{{ PaymentOptionId }}" type="radio" name="radPaymentOption" value="{{ PaymentOptionId }}" /> <span class="value">{{ PaymentOption...

How to send some data to server side and get the response with jQuery?

Like below,I need to send "name" and "psw" value to server side, and get the response as right or wrong. <table cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr align="center"> <td align="right">name/email:</td> <td><input type="text" id="name" /></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td align="right" valign="top">pass...

Jeditable not working with Jquery Dialog content

Hello, I am dynamically loading content from another page onto a div(jquery dialog div) by $.ajax Now the content on the this dialog has to editable by jeditable.. however its not working at all.. I tried putting scripts on both the pages but it is simply not working.. however the script works on normal content but not on dynamic conte...

ajaxStart fails on subsequent requests when using getJSON

Hey, I'm trying to use the ajaxStart and ajaxStop events with getJson calls to my webserver. The ajaxStart event is triggered on the first request, but not on subsequent requests. The encID ensures that each requested url is somewhat unique. It doesn't work on Firefox 3.5 or IE 7. In firebug, I can see the the getJSON requests are f...

AjaxControlToolkit PopupExtender in JQuery

Hi, We are in the process of migrating our ASP.NET application to use Jquery instead of AjaxControlToolkit. We use the popup extender quite extensively in our application. I was wondering if there exists a plugin in Jquery that does what the AjaxControlToolKits's PopupControl does. (It opens a popup window to the Center, Left, Right, T...

Which java web technology to learn to develop Rich Internet Applications ?

Hi, I have developed web applications using JSF (myfaces components). But in these days of responsive UI, JSF doesnt fare well. I m hearing a lot about AJAX, GWT, etc. So i wanted your opinion on which web technology/framework should i learn inorder to develop web applications for enterprise products. Some of the web technologies that i...

Remove any spaces while typing into a textbox on a web page

How could I, on the fly, remove spaces entered into a textbox while the person is typing? ...

Is it possible to use WCF service instead of .asmx web service with AJAX Control Toolkit Slideshow extender?

I have a working WCF service that I can call via AJAX javascript routine. I cannot get it to work with the Slideshow extender in the Ajax Control Toolkit. No errors reported, slideshow just does not load and run. I can write AJAX javascript routine within the page and successfully access the return results from the WCF service (array of ...

Please Help Me Learn to Fish - Javascript, Prototype and XML

I am looking for a good online reference to working with XML in Javascript. Specifically, I am using the protoype library. I have my ajax response with a valid responseXML document. I can find all sorts of online examples for looking at the data in the first child node of the first element tagged 'X', but that doesn't help me. What I ...

Should Links ever have statefull side effects

Hi all, I have made life difficult for the HTML / CSS developers by making any interaction that has a side effect into a button and NOT a hyperlink. For example I changed the "Clear Basket" in a shopping site from a link to a button. On the premise that any action that has a side effect should be a button not a hyperlink. (even tho a ...

paging with ajax and asp.net mvc

i have a query that returns large sets of records which i render on the view. I would like to add paging so i only show 10 records at a time. I also want it so when i click next, i just get the next 10 records without refreshing the whole page. what is the best way to do that using ajax to avoid redownloading all of my website images ...

How Gmail makes IE Back work without refresh?

Gmail uses # when you click on a mail to distinguish the page (+ Ajax action). http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/1238e709e37a1394 I found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1122523/google-using-instead-of-search-in-url-why In FF or Chrome you can use Forward and Back without refresh between those urls: http://X.com/MyPage.aspx#1 http...

JavaScript asynchronous race condition

There is array of objects, which are expanded with parallel ajax requests. When last request is done array should be processed. The only solution i see is: function expandArray(objects, callback){ number_of_requests=objects.length-1; for(i in objects){ $.getJSON(request,function(){ //expanding array ...

ASP.NET Web Forms jQuery AJAX Pass Multiple Paramaters to Web Method

I am calling a Web Method in the code behind with a Method Signature that has 4+ strings accepted. I am creating a params variable and using it to add all input fields I want to pass to the method. var params = { showStartDate: showStartDate, showEndDate: showEndDate, ...

What is the best way to implement AJAX using ASP.NET MVC and jquery?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to make an AJAX call to perform some action, and then do some jquery effect magic to make it look like something is happening. This is the basic idea: I have a link that when the user clicks it I need to update my model to say that the user is interested in an item (on the server side). However, I...

XmlHttpObject does not change its readyState.

I'm trying to implement a chat client using JavaScript. The client is constructed using the following constructor: function ChatClient(endpointUrl) { this.xmlHttp = createXmlHttpRequest(); this.endpointUrl = endpointUrl; me = this; setInterval('me.receiveMessages()', FETCH_MESSAGES_INTERVAL); } function createXmlHttpR...

How do you inject urls into jquery AJAX using ASP.NET MVC?

I'm trying to use AJAX via jquery with ASP.NET MVC, but I'm not able to hit my controller action and I think it might be because my url is not specified correctly. The problem is, I'm not sure what is should be! Say I have a controller named "Home", and an action named "AjaxAction", would the jquery look like this? $.get("Home/AjaxAct...

jQuery AJAX polling for JSON response, handling based on AJAX result or JSON content

I'm a novice-to-intermediate JavaScript/jQuery programmer, so concrete/executable examples would be very much appreciated. My project requires using AJAX to poll a URL that returns JSON containing either content to be added to the DOM, or a message { "status" : "pending" } that indicates that the backend is still working on generating a...

Weird bug when combining an ASP.NET updatepanel with the jQuery UI DatePicker

Hi all I've created a page which combines an inline jQuery UI datepicker . I wan't to initiate a callback to the updatepanel when the user clicks a new date to update some data. Now, this page has multiple updatepanels (don't ask :) ), so I need to check which updatepanel did the reload in order to do some stuff clientside. I'm using __...

Child Update Panel calls prerender on parent update panel in nested scenario.

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="udp_RemitEditor" UpdateMode="conditional" OnPreRender="LoadParameters"> <ContentTemplate> <div id="div_RemitEditor" style="width:225px; display: none;"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upnl_RemitEditor" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> ...