So I have a timer that makes an async post back every 15 minutes. I have the webconfig set up to timeout after 60 minutes. But will it still time out? From what I can tell it won't, is there a way to make it still time out?
Hi all,
I have been working on a shopping cart that the user can add/remove order items as they please and am returning an updated sub-total via a webservice using jQuery $.ajax
Here is how I am calling the webservice and setting the sub-total with the response.
//perform the ajax call
url: p,
data: '{' + s + '}',
I am implemeting a facebook application in rails using facebooker plugin, therefore it is very important to use this architecture if i want to update multiple DOM in my page.
if my code works in a regular rails application it would work in my facebook application.
i am trying to use ajax to let the user know that the comment was sent, ...
This is about as beginner as it gets regarding AJAX, but here it goes.
I want to have one checkbox somewhere on an ASP.NET web form (ASPX).
When the user clicks the checkbox, I want one of those spinning indicators to show.
While that spinning indicator is showing, I want an update operation to occur in the database to reflect that th...
I need to include the content, scripts, forms and dynamic abilities of one page in another onClick.
Take a look at
Then follow one of the links that says 'Beginner' 'Open Water Diver' etc....
You will find a PHP page with a series of o...
I've got a jquery script, which creates a h3 tag and print a variable called result.tbUrl to it. I'd like to explode the variable at "::" and use the 2nd piece.
This is my method.
var link = document.createElement('h3');
link.innerHTML = <?php $link = "result.tbUrl"; $linkpiece = explode("::", $link); echo $pieces[1]; ?>;
Could ...
I'm trying to get this content loader to work and I've managed to get it to get new content, once the content is loaded it isn't styled correctly. Also the character "é" becomes a questionmark. Doctype problem? As well as the h2 tag normally having Cufon applied to it is not triggering.
So basically, this content loader require me...
Is there an AJAX autocomplete for jQuery that supports multiple columns? I mean multiple columns like a database table, not just splitting a list up. It would search off the first column, but the rest would be visible in the dropdown.
Does such a thing exist?
I'm having a bit of trouble with John Resig's Micro templating.
Can anyone help me with why it isn't working?
This is the template
<script type="text/html" id="row_tmpl">
test content {%=id%} {%=name%}
And the modified section of the engine
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
I'm somewhat new to jQuery, so I could use some help here.
This is my issue:
I have a php script outputting a dynamic table. Each row has an "edit" button, plus some other fields. Only 3 of those need to be turned into an input box. The edit button should only put that specific row into "edit mode." I got as far as assigning each r...
Hi All,
I am trying to build a shopping cart site. When a user click add to cart image on the product page, The product title will show a "The product is in your cart" text without reloading the page. I am using session and ajax but no luck so far. I appreciate any helps.
My html cold
<table id="<?php echo $productId; ?>" width="59...
Hi all im building a web user interface.
In this interface i use popup divs to capture user input and other tasks.
On on of my popups i need to post a form so that i can handle uploaded files.
Id like to do this in an iframe so that it dosent effect the main page form.
Id like to know if there are any drawbacks to this method and if i ...
Hey, I've tried to update jQuery to its latest version on a system I'm working and I'm having this issue:
I have a file that posts data to a .php:
id: [$('#service_id').val()],
number: [$('#number').val()]
On ajax_Save.php var_dump($_POST) gives:
array(26) { ["id"]=> array(...
I need some advice on techniques to perform page redirect in Which one is more recommended to use in
Dynamically changed the src of the Iframe to difference aspx.
Dim frame As HtmlControl = CType(Me.FindControl("frameMain"), HtmlControl)
frame.Attributes("src") = "page1.aspx"
Dynamically load web user controls to an ...
I am looking for a way for users to select one of the two options (strength or weakness) for a list of qualities.
for eg:
strength weakness not applicable
1. Communication
2. Punctuality
Radio button lets me select either a strength or weakness. However, I want the user to check only those qualiti...
I am customizing the ajax html editor. I am creating a class which derives from ajax html editor, and overriding FillTopToolbar() method to have limited toolbar buttons. I am trying to use this in my aspx page.
<%@ Register namespace="Content" tagprefix="edit" %>
<edit:MyEditor runat="server" Width="100%" Height="250px"/>
I am able to...
I am using ASP.Net 2.0 With C# for my chatting application. I am also using Ajax.dll in my application. To get the latest chat updates I am calling a method through ajax after every 6 seconds.It is working fine. But I am Continuously getting the following error :-
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Ajax.AjaxRequest...
I want to do a fairly simple implementation of a chat app using rails. from a theoretical standpoint I feel that ajax streaming pattern should be the way to go. However I am not sure, how it works and what are the potential disadvantages of this pattern?
Is there anything better that I can use. My requirement is to have four people...
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
my ajax is :
and the django view is :
def sss(request):
return HttpResponse('ddddddddddd')
how to get some data from the view 'sss'