
DRY URL's in Django Javascript

I'm using Django on Appengine. I'm using the django reverse() function everywhere, keeping everything as DRY as possible. However, I'm having trouble applying this to my client-side javascript. There is a JS class that loads some data depending on a passed-in ID. Is there a standard way to not-hardcode the URL that this data should come...

events not firing in VisualForce

In the page below,Topic__c is a single-select picklist. My intention is to have this list control which of the input fields is available below. The user selects an option, and the onchange event should fire, and rerender the fields. <apex:inputField value="{!Call_Report__c.Topic__c}" id="topic" > <apex:actionSupport event="...

Galleria and Infinite carousel and ajax

Hy all you smart people I am using Galleria plugin for a image gallery on a page this page is loaded in a frame page using ajax this is the ajax $(document).ready(function() { function loadTab(pageUrl) { $.ajax( { url: pageUrl, cache: true, success: function(load) { $("#ta...

jQuery user input to control option of one jquery function

Hello, I'd like an input to control that : jQuery.ajax({ type: "get", dataType: "jsonp", url: "http://www.foo.com/something.php", data: {numberInput: "NUMBER I WANT TO CONTROL" }, On the HTML side I've <input type="text" id="jqueryControl" /> I want when a user enters a number into the jqueryControl to insert it in t...

Gridview inside a ModalPopUpExtender causes ModalPopUpExtender to close

I have a gridview inside a ModalPopUpExtender, the grid view have the button add delete and edit when i clic one of the button of the gridview the popup is closed. I wont to close the popup when the close button is clicked. This is the asp.net part: < cc1: ModalPopupExtender ID="NamePopup" runat="server" PopupControlID="OptionPanel" T...

getjson jquery parsing an array

Got the simplified array working see below Following up on the complicated array to parse see here. TLDR: Want to get each heading from an array and insert it into a div without knowing what is inside the div using Jquery - getJSON. Edit: The data is coming from a piece of software that is outputting the JSON string every couple of ...

jQuery UI combobox Ajax options

Hi, I need to customize the combobox widget build from the jQuery UI Autocomplete http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox Currently drop down options are predefined from the SELECT tag OPTIONS or from a JSON array. //getter var source = $( ".selector" ).autocomplete( "option", "source" ); //setter $( ".selector" ).autocomplet...

How to not use JavaScript with in the elements events attributes but still load via AJAX

I am currently loading HTMl content via AJAX. I have code for things on different elements onclick attributes (and other event attributes). It does work, but I am starting to find that the code is getting rather large, and hard to read. I have also read that it is considered bad practice to have the event code 'inline' like this and th...

Jquery Ajax list element refresh, highlight new items?

Hi, What I'm doing is refreshing a <ul> that contains a load of tweets from twitter, is it possible to somehow highlight which items in the list are new since the refresh? Thanks ...

If you had to work with horrible HTML, what would you do?

I was looking over some of my friend’s HTML and CSS, and I was speechless (in a bad way). If I had to work with that, such as putting AJAX into it, then it would have been a lot of work. I would have to rebuild a lot of the HTML aspects, otherwise it wouldn't work well with the AJAX. What would you do in a situation like so? Would you: ...

PHP save a page then redirect to previous page(ajax)

Dear all, I would like to ask for how to redirect to previous page (ajax paging). Example, Let's say currently I am in page 5, then I click on one record, after I edit it, I would like to go back to that page 5 not page 1. The problem is my paging is using ajax, http://domain/photo/#5 I try to use $_SERVER[http_referer], but I only ...

Jquery Ajax refresh not working in IE.

Hi, I have a <ul> which refreshes every ten seconds to check if there have been any new tweets (its pulling from a twitter feed). This works fine in Firefox and Chrome etc, but it does not work in any version if Internet Explorer. My code is as follows: setInterval(function() { $("#banter .scroll-pane").load(location.href+" #banter...

ASP/AJAX - How to get the time between an server request and response?

Whenver Ajax requests new data from the server this can sometimes take a a second or two. Now I want to know, how can I get this time between the ajax request and the response it gets from the server? I need this because an ajax timer I'm running ain't perfectly doing his stuff. It got some delay whenever it needs to reset to it's origi...

Calling a function when a scrollbar appears in an IFrame

I got an IFrame, in the onload event i set the height of the frame: function resizeFrame() { $("#iframeID").height($("#iframeID").contents().find("body").outerHeight(true)); } Problem is: When the content of the frame is increasing without a postback (javascript or Async Postback with Ajax), a scrollbar appears. I found a solution for...

How to scroll the page with rjs?

How can I scroll the page to a partial, which got inserted via rjs? page.insert_html :bottom, :comments, :partial => 'comment', :object => @comment ...

jQuery/AJAX type-ahead/auto-complete

I have read several articles/questions/forums discussing the best auto-complete plugin for jQuery. After trying several good ones, I've realized a flaw in most. If you are looking up countries and type 'In', a couple of countries show up. If you continue typing I-n-d-i-a, this results in 5 AJAX calls (see http://www.freeimagehosting.ne...

Can i use microsoft ajax tab controls SKIN only ?

I like YUI's Tab, to use its look and feel for own tab like implementation we just have to include yui tabs CSS and use markups and css classes and done. example below, <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.8.0r4/build/tabview/assets/skins/sam/tabview.css" /> <ul class="yui-nav"> <li><a href="#tab1"><e...

How to pass 2 variables to a php document with jquery

Hello I have two text inputs which get their values from a datepicker. What I want to do is when user selects the two dates script pass these two values to a php document in which I make some checks and I return some html. Here is what I'm trying to do: (#to and $from are 2 input texts) $(document).ready(dateinput_change); function...

Different approaches to submitting forms with Ajax

Hi! In the past whilst working with AJAX-submitted forms, I have always created the forms in HTML and used the forms own POST function to submitting the actual data to a specific url. - This far is everything is the same as any non-AJAX form. From that point I have used the jQuery Form plugin together with some basic jQuery code to rem...

Can we change the url in ajax script when ajax is using in MVC?

Can we change the url in ajax script when ajax is using in MVC? & How it can be done? ...