
Register Javascript file to aspx page from WebReousrce

How do i add my javascript file as an embeded resource to the page after the ajax javascript already on the page? NB want to do this part dynamically to have code wrapped up in usercontrol. in aspx page: scriptmanager Code: Assembly: WebResource("Functions.js", "text/javascript") Code: onPreRender: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScrip...

how do I check for a specific text in a ajax response

I have a button on a page which when clicked makes a ajax request. Viewing the response in firebug and looking at the page it basically returns the exact same page in the browser with the addition of an image and some text wrapped in a table. How would I check this response and see if it contains this text and image and if it find it red...

Returning JSON from ASMX, and handling it correctly in Javascript

I realize there are tonnes of similar questions already up here but I cannot figure this one out. I have a Web Service (C#, .net 3.5). The essential Code you need to know of is as follows: [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptS...

Best way to load tabbed content

I'm working on changing member profile UI on one site. Project page: http://design.vitalbmx.com/user_menu/member_profile2.html Goals: Usability: page load time must be optimized, especially images in the active tab SEO: pagination links within tabs must be crawlable Assumptions: Most users will go to "All" tab by default Most users ...

Ajax auto-complete, with bespoke popup location

I'm doing something that involves ajax auto-completion of phrases in a <textarea>. I've got this working well using the jquery autocomplete plugin; however, it is hard-coded into this to position the popup below the <textarea>. For what I'm working on, the <textarea> is at the bottom of the page; I ideally want the options to appear abo...

Downloading multiple files from remote location with progress bar

I need to implement a feature where a user can paste one or more YouTube links, a PHP script then downloads all of them to the server, displays progress bar for each download and then inserts relevant information about them to database. How should I go about implementing this... Is this achievable with just file_get_contents()? Or perha...

Javascript: How do I retain a reference to a request initiator in a handler?

I'm not a Javascript person normally, but I've been diving in, reading Douglas Crockford's book, and writing some trivial, useful tidbits as Chrome extensions and Node.js (note that this question isn't about either of them). Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to retain a reference to an object that's initiating an AJAX request, th...

Ajax call when clicking a radio button sometimes alternates between being instant to taking ~2 sec

There are 2 radio buttons. Depending on which one you click, the drop down box will load that set of data. Depending on the first one I click, that one will take about 1-2 secs to load, while the other loads instantly. Even click back and forth. I was wondering why, and how I might be able to have it stop loading instantly (weird, I know...

jQuery AJAX call messes up character encoding

I have a servlet that outputs JSON. The output encoding for the servlet is ISO-8859-1. Pages in our webapp are also set to ISO-8859-1. I would use UTF-8, but this is outside my control; we have to use ISO-8859-1. When I hit the servlet by itself, I can see JSON data that has been outputted. The character encoding is correct, and none of...

Asp.net MVC with Ajax history (jquery address), how to load from the URL?

I am using asp.net mvc with ajax navigation. I use jquery address and I can change the address bar to be like "MYPage.Com/#/Url", but how can I invoke my route when the user enters that link? This has probably been asked before but I could not find it, so please point me to it if you find it. ...

interpreting ajax code

I have traced some ajax stuff and I am trying to figure out what it means. I was hoping to translate it into a url but it seems to involve some Get request based on searched I did. An help appreciated. **new Ajax.Request(fspring.baseURL+"search/getProfileResults", {parameters:{ajax:1,q:_4,page:_5},onStatOK:function(_6){ var _7=ne...

UpdatePanel Breaks JQuery Script

This is a simplified version of what I want to do. Basically I have a datalist with a bunch of stuff in it and when you mouseover items in the datalist I want jquery to hide/show stuff. The problem is that after I databind my gridview/repeater/datalist jquery quits working if the gridview/repeater/datalist is in an update panel. After...

Get Zend Framework to return dijit initialization javascript for ajax call

Hi stackers, I want to get the action to output the necessary javascript for initializing the dijits in the Zend_Dojo_Form. When I have layouts enabled, it works. I want to disable layouts because this is an ajax response. With layouts enabled, I get a lot of javascript inserted into the header for initializing the Zend_Dojo_Form. For ...

ajax and role attribute

I have an asp.net mvc web app that has controllers with role attributes on them for checking authenticated user roles. I ran into a problem with ajax where I have ajax "get" requests that trigger additional role and user checks each time a page is loaded up. Right now when I load up one of my pages I have the same query running 4 times ...

Making a custom phpBMS form act like a normal HTML form

I am using a CMS like system, which defines custom form fields. To make a form, all you can really do is add certain form fields, and that is it. The only action possible within the CMS form builder is to save the form to the database. Here is an example of such a form. I want to basically have one field, the inputSmartSearch field, w...

Find out where Jquery ajax request gets redirected to.

So- I've got this ajax request, see-. Blonde, about 6 feet tall, looks like this: $.ajax({ url: 'http://example.com/makeThing', dataType: 'html', type: 'POST', data: { something:someotherthing }, complete: function(request, status) { console.log("headers=" + request.getAllResponseHeaders();); ...

View AJAX response content in Chrome developer tools?

Traditionally I use FireBug to debug my AJAX requests. It lets you examine both the contents of your request as well as the response that was sent back from the server. (it also notifies you in the console when these occur, which is a useful feature that Chrome seems to lack). In Chrome, I only seem to be able to view the requests, not ...

Post data to a new popup window without using hidden input fields

Is it possible to post data to a new window without using hidden input fields. Data can be possibly quite large. Looking at something similar to jQuery ajax type post.. except I need to post the data to a new page. ...

How to grab textarea value, and maintain the HTML Styling

Hello, I'm building a comment module for my web application. In the application I need commenting. When a user posts a comment, I would like jQuery to grab the TextArea's value and then insert it into the page <p>. Problem is that when it inserts the contents it loses the HTML formatting, mainly page breaks/returns which confuses users....

Adding dateSelectionChangedClientEvent to the Dynamic Ajax calanderControl through C#???

for(int i=0;i<fieldid.Length;i++) { TextBox _text4 = new TextBox(); TextBox hhhh = new TextBox(); _text4.ID = "txt_" + fieldid[i].ToString(); _text4.Width = Unit.Pixel(289); _CalendarExtenderArra...