
Linking .Net Assemblies

This is all hypothetical, so please bear with me. Say I'm writing a tool in C# called Foo. The output is foo.exe. I've found some really great library that I like to use called Bar, which I can reference as bar.dll in my project. When I build my project, I have foo.exe and bar.dll in my output directory. Good so far. What I'd like ...

Problem compiling resource file to library

Hi, I have a web application built in, which uses resource files to support multiple languages. The problem I have is that I can only add a new language file in Visual Studio, and I have to rebuild the whole application to have a the new language included. After searching the net I've found out that the compilation of the resour...

Does AL.exe work with X.509 Certificates

I would like to delaySign and later fully sign .NET assemblies with X.509 Certificates. How would I do this? ...

How to embed .NET modules into an independant assembly ?

I'm trying to automate assembly generation from netmodules. I tried to use "al.exe" tool with this commande line : al module1.netmodule module2.netmodule /target:library /out:assembly.dll. My problem is that my assembly does not embed my netmodules but only references them : - if I open my assembly with "ildasm.exe" tool, I can only see...