
Lua and Alien structures

I'm trying to redefine this C structure to Lua with alien 0.50 module however I have a two arrays of char at the end. Both szLibraryPath and szLibraryName are originally defined as char szLibraryPath[MAX_PATH] in C. Can this be done with alien? LIBRARY_ITEM_DATA = alien.defstruct{ { "hFile", "long" }, { "BaseOfDll", "long" }, { "...

Lua Alien Module - Trouble using WriteProcessMemory function, unsure on types (unit32)

require "alien" --the address im trying to edit in the Mahjong game on Win7 local SCOREREF = 0x0744D554 --this should give me full access to the process local ACCESS = 0x001F0FFF --this is my process ID for my open window of Mahjong local PID = 1136 --function to open proc local op = alien.Kernel32.OpenProcess op:types{ ret = "pointer...