
Mixing search indexes using the Amazon Product Advertising API

How do you run a search using two and only two search indexes on the Amazon Product Advertising API, like DVD and Books. ...

aws reponse format

hi, i m new to amazon web service, i m using its product advertising api to get books info. my understanding is the response should be in xml format. but when i submit REST request in web browser, it returns bunch of info without any format, no xml tags, it's painful to go through those data. any idea? thanks ...

How to get contents of Amazon shopping cart?

I've been investigating whether it's possible to get a list of the saved items in my Amazon shopping basket programmatically ... Their Product Advertising API has methods for getting wishlists: and working with remote shopping carts: h...

Amazon Product API: "Your request is missing a required parameter combination" on Blended ItemSearch

I'm having some problems trying to do an ItemSearch on the Blended index using the Amazon Product API. According to the documentation, Blended requests cannot specify the MerchantId parameter - and indeed, if I try to include it I get an error telling me so. However, when I don't include it, I get an error telling me that my request is ...

Amazon Products API library for Java

</slitting wrists in anger> I've spent hours trying to find a decent up-to-date Java library for Amazon Products API (a.k.a. 100 other names... WHY do you keep changing it, Amazon?). Everything is either very outdated and doesn't work, or is overly complicated with about 100 external JARs and is impossible to configure. Then I downloa...

Updating UI realtime in RoR after API Calls

Hi All- I am developing an app using the Amazon API found here, which unfortunately only allows a small amount of records to be returned at once, which causes a significant slowdown when loading any more than one call's worth of items. I'd like to make the returning of these records more seemless. I figure the way to do it, is to use ...

Finding ASIN with possibly non-unique metadata

I am trying to find the ASINs for individual MP3s in Amazon's store, but I only have data that is likely to be non-unique (title, artist, sometimes the album that the song appears on). Since Amazon's music store does not have 100% coverage, my queries are often returning a large number of spurious results, especially for songs with nonde...