
Amazon Product Advertising API changes: replacement for ListLookup & ListSearch?

Hi everybody, Amazon has announced to drop ListLookup & ListSearch operations support from the API completely from Oct 15. Does anybody know whether there is a replacement operation to be used? Or some other way to retrieve a list I could not find anything like it in the documentation. I need to import a user's wishlist through the AP...

Amazon EC2 and EBS disk space problem.

Hi I am having a problem reconciling the space available on my EBS volume. According to the AWS console the volume is 50GB and is attached to an instance. If I ssh to this instance and do a df -h, I get the following output: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 15G 13G 3.0G 81% / udev ...

Is is possible to read a file from S3 in Google App Engine using boto?

I want to manipulate a pickled python object stored in S3 in Google App Engine's sandbox. I use the suggestion in boto's documentation: from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.s3.key import Key conn = S3Connection(config.key, config.secret_key) bucket = conn.get_bucket('bucketname') key = bucket.get_key("picture.jpg") fp...

Do I need both cache-control and expires on my images hosted on amazon s3?

I've recently switched to hosting the images for my site onto s3, and when i upload images to s3 i add this metatag : "Cache-Control=public,max-age=2593000" when I run yslow, it tells me the images have no far-flung expiry date (Expires metatag). Do I have to add an Expires entry too ? I've searched quite a bit and it seems you real...

Can Amazon Auto Scaling Service work with Elastic Map Reduce Service?

Hi, since amazon web service need to pay, so just wanna ask ppl who had worked on it before i jump into it, and confirm some knowledge about it. Question one: In Amazon auto scaling service, it says can scale up and down instances. that does this mean? does it mean changing the type of instance? or can start/stop more/less instance bas...

Amazon SNS with Python

Trying to get started with Amazon SNS. API is very simple REST. I seem to be hung up on the signature part of the call. The API example is: ?Subject=My%20first%20message &TopicArn=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-east-1%3A698519295917%3AMy-Topic &Message=Hello%20world%21 &Action=Publish &SignatureVersion=2 &Signa...

Amazon S3 direct upload not recognizing file's content type

I have my Rails application set up where each user can upload an avatar. The image is uploaded directly to Amazon's S3 using HTTP Post. So far everything is working except that the user is able to upload any type of file. I'm using a fork of the d2s3 plugin by camelpunch. Here are the helpers: policy = Base64.encode64( "{'expirat...

Trouble connecting Heroku App with Amazon RDS Instance

I'm using Amazon RDS for the first time ever and I've been following the heroku docs to get my app using the RDS instance. So far I've created an instance and I have setup the addon using the format: $ heroku addons:add amazon_rds url=mysql://user:[email protected]/databasename After running heroku rake db:migrate I got ...

Using Amazon Simple Notification Service from a browser to receive messages

I've been reading about Amazon's SNS product - and checking the API, docs, etc. But, I can't figure out one thing. Can this service be used in a browser? I'd like to use the API to setup a real-time chat feature and can't figure out if this is possible. I can see how to make calls to create topics, and add ...

Any Amazon AWS SQS gui available?

Hello all I am developing a software that uses amazon simple queue service and just want to know if there is any gui available to help me easily check the status of some queues, is there any out there? Many thanks, Thiago ...

In mTurk, how can I use participation in a previous HIT (or series of HITs) as a qualification?

I am using mTurk for surveys, and I need a way of making sure that people who have participated in a previous survey / HIT do not participate in certain future surveys / HITs. I am not sure whether I should do this as a qualification or in some other way. I know there is some way to do this, but I have no idea how. I have very limited p...

S3 limit to objects in a bucket

Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of objects I can put in an S3 bucket? can I put a million, 10 million etc.. all in a single bucket? ...

Send users to a pre-filled Amazon cart checkout

I'm working on a site that will create pre-set packages of items. To start, I'm using Amazon to test the idea, pulling some affiliate sales, and then I'll fulfill orders myself if the idea deems successful. My goal is to have a "buy now" type button, and upon clicking, the user will arrive at an Amazon checkout now page, with a cart pr...

Browser-based REST api authentication

I'm working on a REST webservice, and in particular authentication methods for browser-based requests. (using JsonP or Cross-domain XHR requests/XDomainRequest). I've done some research in OAuth, and also Amazon's AWS. The big drawbacks of both is that I need to do either of the following: Store secret tokens in the browser Let a ser...

Are there any bandwidth fees on Amazon S3?

Amazon's documentation is being somewhat vague with me ... if I host images on Amazon S3 do I pay for "Data Transfer Out" every time an image is loaded? Do I pay for a GET request on top of that? ...

How to create multiple keys for the same object in Amazon S3 OR CLOUDFRONT?

I am syndicating out my multi-media content (mp4 and images) to several clients. So I create one S3 object for every mp4 say "my_content_that_pays_my_bills.mp4" and let the client access the S3 URL for the objects and embed it wherever they want. What I want is for client A to access this MP4 as "A_my_content_that_pays_my_bills.mp4" ...

IP address ranges for EC2

Is there any public info on what public IP address ranges Amazon EC2 uses? I would like to be able to lookup an IP and know whether or not it's an EC2 machine. I know that the DNS name given to EC2 machines gives a hint that it's an EC2 account, but I really prefer to just have an IP lookup available. Tx, Simon @ ...

MTurk: getQualificationScore returning "QualificationType does not Exist" for Base Qualifications Type (approval rate, etc)

I've got a bunch of results from a Mechanical Turk HIT that I had done, and I want to try and rank all my answers by how trustworthy that Worker was. To do that, I'm trying to get each submitting worker's accept rate from MTurk. I do this using the MTurk API QualificationRequirement type, "Worker_PercentAssignmentsApproved", whose type_...

aws support on android

Hi, Simple question - if I am developing and Android application that wants to access Amazon cloud (AWS services) - can you suggest me options? More detailed for what I have done till now: I am trying to include existing AWS libraries for Java - but Dalvik does not support them all - finally the issue I am still not able to resolve is w...

How to setup a local xampp behind my company's proxy

I am trying to do curl requests through my local xampp setup but my company has a firewall proxy that needs to authenticate on port 8080. Can I have apache login to this proxy authenticate and complete the curl requests? ...