
can Amazon be used to offload server of static files for a Ruby on Rails app, but still support the app's authentication & authorization?

Hi, Can one of the Amazon services (their S3 data service, or otherwise) be used to offload server of static files for a Ruby on Rails app, but still support the app's authentication & authorization? That is such that when the user browser downloaded the initial HTML for one page of the Ruby on Rails application, when it went back fo...

Where can I find Amazon DevPay C# Sample Code that works?

I am trying to code an small application that will utilize Amazon DevPay and I am having difficulties sending a few sample requests and getting errors. Looking for library class in c# that will conceal all the details. Currently playing with the sample C# library by Amazon but having no luck. any other will be appreciated. This link ...

Amazon SimpleDB Woes: Implementing counter attributes

Long story short, I'm rewriting a piece of a system and am looking for a way to store some hit counters in AWS SimpleDB. For those of you not familiar with SimpleDB, the (main) problem with storing counters is that the cloud propagation delay is often over a second. Our application currently gets ~1,500 hits per second. Not all those hi...

How does one find prices from Amazon's site programmatically?

So Amazon has lots of different APIs for different things, and it's hard to find the one I'm looking for. I have a client that sells things and checks Amazon's lowest price to know where to price their things (slightly under the lowest thing there). They want functionality integrated into their inventory system that would automatically ...

Amazon Wish List Widget for arbitary names and email addresses

There is a Amazon Wish List Widget available here: The problem is that I have to specify the email address or user name in advance before grabbing the widget code. I am building a CRM application wherein I store the names and email addresses of contacts. I want to show the wish list wi...

Are there any big names running on the cloud?

Are there any big names running on the cloud? Especially on GAE and Amazon? ...

Display RSS with PHP Correctly

I have a sample RSS from Amazon. While the RSS displays correctly with images aligned to the left, but when I try displaying the same RSS, the images do not align to the left, but to the top and this is not what I want. I need it to display exactly the same way as the one on top I have included the images here, my display is the second ...

How do I interact with the Amazon Product Advertising API in my Rails app?

I'm building a Rails web app and was wondering what is the best way to get a list of products that Amazon would return based on a search term? For example, if I sent amazon the term "iphone", I'd get a list of iphones back from Amazon. Does anyone know if there's a gem or library for Rails out there that would fit this need? ...

Why does Amazon put their CSS in the Head tag?

Okay, what is Amazon doing? They put all their CSS definitions in the <head> tag? I can see the purpose of saving requests, but it doesn't seem very dynamic to me. Any ideas? ...

Is the Amazon Kindle suitable for programming books?

Now that the Amazon Kindle is available internationally, I'm considering getting one. There are plenty of reviews around the net, but what I want to ask here is whether this device is are suitable for reading programming reference books. I'd really appreciate the thoughts of anyone with experience of it. Is the amount of text that ca...

amazon short url regex... why can't i get this to work

here is a regex i got from: a blog i can't link to because i am new... just google amazon short url and click on the blog post by noah coad as you can see from this page... it is supposed to extract the unique product id from any amazon url so you can shorten it... or use it to pull info from amazon apis. here is the sample code i am t...

Non-Common Ports on Amazon EC2

Assume that I want to listen to a non-common port (9090 for example) 24/7 and send data on another non-common port (8980 for example). Is that possible in an Amazon EC2 instance? (Windows 2003 or 2008) Note: I have done some search and I have found that if I want to do so; then I have to open ALL ports; which does seem wrong to me. ...

Db Backup Options (for Cloud DBs like Amazon ESB and GAE)

What are db backup options for (offline): 1 - Amazon EC2 2 - GAE (Google App Engine) Note: For example ESB (Amazon Elastic Block Store) provides differential snapshots which is great; and we can have backups in Amazon S3, which is great too. But I do not know if I can have latest version of my db, on my local machine. Thanks ...

ASIS3request Amazon S3 XML format error

Dear Hepler, I am using ASIS3request to upload a photo from iphone to Amazon S3 service. Basically I followed the instruction on documentation. However I gets the following error. "The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema". For your reference I attached a code below. ASIS3Request...

Amazon S3 - Posting form using html and PHP content-disposition problem

I am having trouble putting files onto my S3 account using http post. Everything is working great, but I want the key and filename to be different. I'm specifying the key just fine and my policy doc is working fine too. I include this line in my policy doc ["starts-with", "$Content-Disposition", ""] and this is the input for my Conten...

Is an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) immutable?

(Thanks in advance for tolerating my seems-to-be-stupid question). I mean: Consider a VMWare Windows 2003 image. If I 1 - start this image and then 2 - run a program that writes something to a file and then 3 - stop the VMWare image and then 4 - start the VMWare image then still that file resides on hard disk of the VMWare image. Is...

Amazon Web Service ItemSearch DetailPageURL's with Associate IDs?

DetailPageURL's returned by ItemSearch seem to include an incorrect ID/tag rather than the associate ID I requested the search with. I'm getting:;tag=foo-12&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=19450&amp;creativeASIN=1590595009 When I expect: http://ww...

Is it possible to create an IM chatting service on the cloud?

Is it possible to Google App Engine or Amazon EC2 to create a chatting tool that is (obviously) real-time? The motivation is avoiding setting up servers, and dealing with spikes in demand. Are there any open-source tools for this? With Amazon EC2 or others, is it possible to set up something that has push-notifications enabled (COMET...

how to 'load data infile' on amazon RDS?

not sure if this is a question better suited for serverfault but I've been messing with amazon RDS lately and was having trouble getting 'file' privileges to my web host mysql user. I'd assume that a simple: grant file on *.* to 'webuser@'%'; would work but it does not and I can't seem to do it with my 'root' user as well. What gives...

Amazon architecture

Hi. I'm doing a report with the theme "Amazon Architecture". I need to explain how Amazon works internally. For instance, they uses an ESB to communicate with all suppliers. How is an order processed? Does anyone knows where I can find this kind of information? ...