
Get the amplitude at a given time within a sound file?

I'm working on a project where I need to know the amplitude of sound coming in from a microphone on a computer. I'm currently using Python with the Snack Sound Toolkit and I can record audio coming in from the microphone, but I need to know how loud that audio is. I could save the recording to a file and use another toolkit to read in ...

How to Calculate Frequency & Amplitude in Flash AS3 with Flash Player 9

How can I calculate Frequency & Amplitude in As3 with FP9. I got the all raw byte using SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(_testbytes, false, 0); var g:Graphics =; g.clear(); g.lineStyle(0, 0x6600CC); g.moveTo(0, PLOT_HEIGHT); var m:Number = 0; for (var i:int = 0; i < 256; i++) { m = (_testbytes.readFloat...

Simulink: Possible to form a Pulse Generator with amplitude between -1 and +1

Okay - I've got Simulink up and running and I'm using the Pulse Generator with a pretty simple transfer function and the scope. I would like however to use a pulse that goes from -1 to +1 instead of from 0 to +1. Is there any way to alter the Pulse Generator block so that the amplitude is between -1 and +1? Thanks. ...

graphing amplitude

I was wondering if someone could point me to a good tutorial or show me how to graph the amplitude from a byte array. The audio format I am using is: U LAW 8000.0 Hz, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame. ...

amplitude per sample iphone Audio

Summary: how do i get the amplitude of each sample using the default aurioTouch code. in Depth: The aurioTouch seems to be setup well for what i need, i need to be sampling at 44.1Khz and then taking the amplitude values from these and applying a small filter i have written to detect an event. I know this should go in the PerformThru ca...

Voice Activity Detection in Android

I am writing an application that will behave similar to the existing Voice recognition but will be sending the sound data to a proprietary web service to perform the speech recognition part. I am using the standard MediaRecord (which is AMR-NB encoded) which seems to be perfect to speech recognition. The only data provided by this is the...