
Best Android 2.0 development book?

I'm looking for a single book source for Android 2.0 development. While I may be ok with a general Android development book, a book which covers 2.0 features is ideal. What is the best Android 2.0 book out there, or upcoming? ...

How to read contacts on Android 2.0

Hi. I'm working on Android 2.0 and am trying to receive a list of all contacts. Since android.provider.Contacts.People is deprecated, I have to use android.provider.ContactsContract, But I can't find a proper example of how to use it (ex: retrieve a list of all contacts on the phonebook). Anyone knows how to implement it? Thanks! ...

Android - Get All Contacts from All Sources

Hello. I have been attempting to make an Android application, built against 2.0, that requires getting all of the user's contacts and displaying them in a formatted way. I have been able to get a list using a Cursor and the ContactsContract.Contacts class. However, the list I get from that provider only gives me the contacts that are e...

How to register listening for Contact changes on android 2.0?

How to register a content observer to listen for changes in the contact database in android 2.0? What URI should I use? Thank you ...

Android 2.0 How to get display name and number in a contact group

I get a list of contacts in a given group id by id Cursor cur = ctx.managedQuery(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID, GroupMembership.CONTACT_ID }, GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID + "=" + String.valueOf(id), null, null); if (cur.moveToFirst()) { ...

error message when run the first android program

hai i new in android my first android program helloword get the following error [2010-08-21 15:56:41 - HelloAndroid] Failed to upload HelloAndroid.apk on device 'emulator-5554' [2010-08-21 15:56:41 - HelloAndroid] device (emulator-5554) request rejected: device not found [2010-08-21 15:56:41 - HelloAndroid] Launch ca...