
How "good" is the Android Emulator?

As the title says, how "good" is the Android emulator? I don't have an Android phone but would it be possible to develop purely using the emulator as the testing environment? My initial questions about it: Is the emulator as responsive as a normal android phone (of course this depends on the exact phone but in general)? Is there a wa...

The method getBaseContext() is undefined for the type MyMapOverlay in android? why?

i am creating a Geocoder object like. Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder(getBaseContext(), Locale.getDefault()); here i got this error in eclipse. i.e. The method getBaseContext() is undefined for the type MyMapOverlay getBaseContext() is a default method in android.content.ContextWrapper class. what is the problem here.. any idea??...

[Android SDK] How to know which URL an Android application tries to visit?

Hi, This is a black box test, which means I don't have any way to access the source code. Because I have to reproduce the error, file a report, and then present to the programmer (who are not our company's employee), I have to find the crashing URL / http / xhttp request. Is there any way to do so on the SDK emulator? Thanks a lot. ...

How To debug Android app on Emulator using NetBeans IDE

I recently downloaded the latest NetBeans IDE (for MACOSX) and imported/migrated a project over from the ECLIPSE environment. Everything looks, and works well... except that EMULATOR gets stuck "waiting for the debugger to attach." I tried "Attaching Debugger..." and set the PORT value to every case I've ever read about (8200, 8700, 555...

Can I emulate a compass on Android

I want to test a compass app on the emulator. Is this possible or do i have to use a real device. Also I do not want to use gps. ...

got nullpointer exception when click the bubble in the mapview?

i m workin on mapview and put the marker when i click the marker it shows a bubble. if i click that bubble it shows the toast perfectly i want to start the activity there. then it shows an exception this my code @Override protected boolean onBalloonTap(int index) { try{ Activity a=new Activity(); a.startActivity(new Intent(a.getBase...

Bluetooth support on Android Emulator

Hi everyone! I wanna know if the developer team wich made the emulator have some information to make bluetooth works in the android emulator, indicate some links about it, if they have some date for release or if they'll make it works in the future. Thanks. ...

Assigning Back button event to form button in android

Hi i have a form button in the form,which i need to perform basic action performed by the back button in the android emulator. I know the key even is KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK how to assign this to my button. thanks in advance. ...

List clears in emulator but doesn't on an actual device.

The problem I am having is with different behavior with dealing with the emulator of a 1.6 device and an actual 1.6 android device ( In this case a T-mobile g1 ), When the list updates in the emulator it replaces the list that was there beforehand. On the phone it just appends the new list onto the bottom of the old list. I need the dev...

Converting & to & in android?

Hi All, I have a URL string in the following format. I want to replace & with & in the above URL. My result should be:

Android emulator application deployment error

Hi Fellows, I have developed an application in Rhodes framework and deployed the application in an Android emulator. When I try to access the application i get the following error, SD card error, Application can't access the SD card while it's mounted.Please unmount the device and stop the adb server before launching the application. I ...

how to set the tabs in the bottom of the screen in android?

hi all, i am working on tabactivity. i wanna show my tabwidget below the tabcontent(framelayout). i done it by setting the tabwiget tab attribute as android:gravity="bottom" but the framelayout cant align with those tabs. that is the tabs are shown at the bottom of the screen and overlap the framelayout how to do that? if set so...

small size picture problem

I've got a problem in saving a picture in a full size after capturing it using ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent the picture become very small , its resolution is 27X44 I'm using 1.5 android emulator, this is the code and I will appreciate any help: myImageButton02.setOnClickListener ( new OnClickListener() { @Override ...

Changing the Android emulator locale automatically

For automated testing (using Hudson) I have a script that generates a bunch of emulators for many combinations of Android OS version, screen resolution, screen density and language. This works fine, except for the language part. I need to find a way to change the Android system locale automatically. Here's some approaches I can think o...

How to get the html-source of a page from a html link in android?

I'm working on an application that needs to get the source of a web page from a link, and then parse the html from that page. Could you give me some examples, or starting points where to look to start writing such an app? ...

I can't send gps values via the eclipse emulator control panel

I try to send gps longitude and latitude to the android emulator with eclipse, but the values seem to never be set. Instead the onStatusChanged method of my listener is called. Edit I send those values through the emulator controls in the ddms view in eclipse. If I send data via telnet I get the correct data shown and the onLocationChan...

Error: NAND: could not write file /hd2/android-sdk-linux_86/add-ons/google_apis-7_r01/images//system.img, File exists

I am new comer to Android development. Installed fresh Eclipse (Ganymede), Android android-sdk-linux_86. Tried HelloWorld program. Compiles OK. An AVD "my1" created for API level 7. The Emulator does not start, giving an error: [2010-03-11 16:49:49 - Emulator] NAND: could not write file /hd2/android-sdk-linux_86/add-ons/google_apis-7...

Preconfigure Android Emulator with location?

I want to run automated tests with location on the android emulator. I can setup coordinates via Telnet, but that means starting up a console and manually configuring the emulator before running my junit tests. Is there a possibility to preconfigure the emulator with a KML file or something like that to ensure that there are always co...

Activating Network Location Provider in the Android Emulator?

Is it possible to activate the network location provider on the android emulator? Maybe with a fake cellid? ...

Easiest way to implement RSS reader on Google Android?

Hi guys, This is my first time on stack overflow, so I apologize if this question has been asked before, but is there an easy way to implement an RSS reader on the Google Android (API 1.5)? I'm searched far and wide with the code sources I know of, and I've only found one implementation which takes 6 different classes and doesn't seem ...