
Intent provided by Cursor is not fired correctly (LiveFolders)

In my desperation with trying to get LiveFolders working, I have tried the following in my LiveFolder ContentProvider: public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { MatrixCursor mc = new MatrixCursor(new String[] { LiveFolders._ID, LiveFolders.NAME, LiveFolder...

open a live folder via an intent

I have a live folder in which are put reports for the user to see. When new reports are available I instantiate a notification and I want open the live folder when the user presses the notification. Is that possible? I tried with Intent.VIEW as an action and the content URI as the intent data but it does not work. Also I am using andro...

Android Intent-Filter only works for "am start" command, but not Live Folder item click

I have a Live Folder that lists custom content from a SQLite DB. When an item is clicked, the detail page for that item should be displayed using this URI: content:// (e.g. content:// Whenever I test this using the "am start" command, the detail activity loads perfectly. Ho...