
I am not able to apply view flipper on list view ?

My XML structure has a view flipper in linear layout which is again in Frame layout. I am not able to flip my layout and see next child. I want to apply it on OnTouch() of layout @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.i("onTouch", "INDSIDE ONTOUCH OF FLIPPER...

applying a theme to an appwidget

i'm trying to define a theme for an appwidget, and have it applied at the application level. i have a theme like, <style name="theme.dark"> <item name="android"background">#000000</item> </style> in my manifest, i set android:theme="@style/theme.dark" at the application. however, when i run the appwidget, it does not pick up th...

Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget

I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it up by making a custom call to the widgetprovider (which you will notice is from the sdk tutorial examples) // Push widget update to surface with newly set prefix AppWidgetManager appWidgetManag...

Widget Not showing up after phone restart

I created a widget that works great until I restart the phone, then the widget doesn't display it is invisible but if i hold and click i can throw it in the garbage I have a function that is called from my configure activity in my widgetprovider that does the following: static void updateAppWidget(Context context, AppWidgetManager appW...

Save Widget State

the document shows that there are multiple ways to save data, I need to do this in a widget and everytime I try to save i get errors... for instance SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("NAME", 0); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit...

Saving Simplistic Android Widget Across Restarts

I have a issue that I have been struggling with for some time and its becoming quite frustrating... I have an app that a user can modify the background image of a widget in a configure activity. Once they select what image they want I save a SharedPreferences file with the widgetsID and the value for the image... however in the onEnabl...

Can an Activity be started from within a WidgetAppProvider?

I have a widget that I have an intent that starts an activity when I click, but I need to get saved Data into the widget, so onEnabled can I start an Activity that will look up the saved data for the activity? Also an intent I need to set up for the click events... how do I set these up with out first having the config show up? ...

how to write word for app on screen

I want do an app,i want it look the same as this one: I don't know how to write the word "writing" as the red mark ,and how to add the app icon on the screen. ...

programmatically delete a widget on home screen by click listener in android

Hi I've a widget which i would like to delete programmatically if the user gives the command by clicking on some button or so.. But as per my knowledge the app programme and the widget programme will be running in different processes. So how is it possible to get the controll of another process remote view and delete the same clearing al...

Avoid animation when changing Views visibility

My application has an Activity and this Activity displays different Views depending on the context. I switch Views by using a combination of setVisibility() because I have only 1 XML file with every different View. The problem is that when changing Views like: mCurrentView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mNextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);...

I've made an app, how do I create a widget to go with it?

I have successfully built an Android App using the SDK. A number of users are asking for a widget to also be made available with the same data. What's the easiest method of implementing this? Can I leverage of my current code project? ...

EditText isn't highlighted when touched

I assumed this feature would be activated by default. How do I set an EditText box to do the normal orange highlighting when a user touches it? ...

ListView Select Problem

I have a listview in my program. the problem is that. the list is in single choice mode and when i select any item i have 4 buttons on the footer of my page for that item.. alll i want is to know that. how can i keep that item selected and while cliking any button i can get the selected item. ...

Using DatePciker with no day picker.

I want to get a DatePicker Dialog with no day picker (only year and month) for credit cards expiration in a form. I checked the DatePicker source code and it's not seem to be suporting such feature as not showing once of it's pickers. Any other widget to do it or do i have to create my own widget again... ...

Android widget in emulator

I have an existing android app. I added a simple widget to it using the following: updated my manifest with a <receiver> block which provides information about my AppWidgetProvider implementation added a new xml files in res/xml with a <appwidget-provider> element that contains the height/width/updatePeriod/initialLayout/icon/label att...

Dynamically change ImageButton background inside a homescreen widget

I'm working on an Android widget which essentially places a button on the homescreen. The button uses a selector in order to show a default state and a pressed state. Each state has its own image, as you'll see in the code below. I already have code to change the hue of an image and return a new StateListDrawable for use in the ImageBu...

Disappearing AppWidgets for Android Development

I am developing an appwidget for android. It works fine when installing and running, but whenever the device is rebooted, the program can no longer use that widget. The activity is still selectable in the launcher, but there is no way to add the widget to the home screen without reinstalling the program. Have you hear of this happening?...

How do I achieve square layout and buttons in main.xml?

Hello, I would like to have a layout with 5 times 5 buttons. Each of them should have the same width and height (they should be square). And I want the whole matrix to use the screen width (or height, depending on rotation). I currently do it "by hand" in the Java code: for (int y=0; y<5; y++) { TableRow tr = new TableRow(this); ...

unable to export .apk from eclipse

Tried to export working android project from eclipse. The screen is frozen at page "Export Android Application". "Next" button is grayed out. Same project runs fine on emulator and HTC as well. Please help. ...

Android: AppWidget with custom view not working

I am creating a appwidget that consists of a single custom view called Foo. xml/widget.xml: <appwidget-provider xmlns:android="" android:minWidth="294dp" android:minHeight="72dp" android:updatePeriodMillis="0" android:initialLayout="@layout/widget_layout"> </appwidget-provider> layout/wi...