
Getting Android's system preferences without having any context

In an Android utility class, I want to get a system preference value in a class, but I don't have the context there, because the class that calls it doesn't have the context either. I've found that for Resources one can use the static Resources.getSystem() function. Is there any similar way for getting system preferences without context?...

Android respore savedInstanceState Uri to ImageView

I have an Image view that displays a image selected by the user from the device. When first opening the Activity, the image displays fine, but if they rotate the device, I save the selected Image's Uri to the savedInstanceState in onSaveInstanceState() and try to pull it back in the onCreate(). In onCreate the Uri is parced back out fine...

ksoap2 complex parameter

I need to call a web service using ksoap2, I have been doign this successfully up till the point where I need to pass a more complex type to the web service. Does anybody have an example of passing a complex type to a webservice, preferably, only using SoapObject (the object in question is only Strings and dateTimes. Thanks in advance ...

How to create bitmap from integer array in C / OpenGL

I am trying to move my code from Java to C, and I have encountered a problem while trying to find a function in C that can take an array of ints and create a bitmap from it for OpenGL. In Java, I used bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( {int array name} , w, h, Config.RGB_565); Is there a similar function that I can use in C, or a workar...

What does it take to port a classic game to a new platform?

I'm thinking about starting a crazy enough hobby project that would span across several years and would include disassembling & OpenGL programming. Having almost finished my 3rd Android app, I must say that I love the platform and will program for it. Now, let's take the classic Carmageddon game as a porting candidate. The question bo...

Android Video Recording Sample

Hi Does anyone got the video recording sample for android , if yes could you please share the same Thanks Vish ...

Propagate events in several layers android google maps

I'm developing a google maps based application for android 1.6. My problem is that in my application I have more than one layer that extends from ItemizedOverlay representing information in the map. The problem is that all the layers implement the onTap method, but now only the last layer (on the top of the stack) detects the tap event...

Regarding Progress Bar

I want to add a Button In The Progress Bar. Scenario is :- 1) I want To search a contact through Application. 2) During the Search I will show Progress Bar. 3)Can I add cancel button in the Progresss Bar. Thanks in Advance. Raj. Android Developer. ...

IME keyboard does not show when OnClickListener set for EditText?

Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not with Android OS 1.5, but when I set an OnClickListener for an EditText, then try clicking it (using trackball), the IME keyboard no longer displays itself. With a click listener set, it displays when clicked. Is there another way I can request the IME keyboard to come up in the click handler? Ei...

Receive Android NotificationManager Notifications from Non System Apps

Is there a way to register to receive notifications fired from Notification Manager from non-system apps? For example, application A sends an notification through Notification Manager, application B could then receive the notification, but not interfere with,and then process information contained within the notification. Typically I kn...

RelativeLayout margins inside a ListView are not displayed

Hi, I'm currently using a ListView that I fill with a custom adapter with RelativeLayout's. The problem is that the margins are not displayed for the RelativeLayout. Here is my relative layout declaration : <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/ArticleSnippet" android:l...

How to bring virtual track pad in Android

I want to design a virtual track pad in the bottom layout which will be able to recognise the items on the top layout in android. Is there any possible way to do so??? ...

Android:how to validate an e-mail address

What's the best practice to validate an e-mail address (e.g. from an user input field) in Android? org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator doesn't seem to be available. Are there any other libraries doing this which are included in Android already or would I have to use RegExp? ...

Android : Make image opaque / transparent

Greetings, I would like to place an image over a surfaceview. However I would like the image to be transparent so you can see the image and also the undlying surfaceview. Can anyone suggest how I could do this? ...

Android - Having a hard time debuging Eclipse

I am a little bit new to developing for Android using Eclipse (Coming from a .NET/Visual Studio background). My biggest problem in developing Android app is "debugging" them. Every time the emulator throws an error, there is no message, no explanation of what caused the error. I basically have to keep doing trial/error until something w...

Android. Catch application exit by Home click

Hi, I have an issue with identifying return to application after it was left using Home click. The main purpose of this is to define when do I have to display to user Type Password dialog. So, let's imaging such workflow, User works in application and decides to see what's the weather tomorrow. The User clicks Home button and is trans...

Android: How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list?

I have a simple ListActivity that uses a custom ListAdapter to generate the views in the list. Normally the ListAdapter would just fill the views with TextViews, but now I want to put a button there as well. It is my understanding and experience however that putting a focusable view in the list item prevents the firing of onListItemCli...

Two Android apps in the same Eclipse project?

I want to build two Android apps from the same code base. The difference between the apps is very small - app name, one or two resource files, and whether to show ads or not (basically, a free and a paid version of the same app). This is pretty simple to do in XCode for an iPhone app, but I'm not sure how to approach it in Eclipse. Is...


Can anyone provide working example of WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_PANEL? I am trying to write a nice Android UI, and I would like to overlay an application panel on top of my current window. However, I cannot seem to get this working (and it's not from a lack of trying, believe me!). An example would be worth a lot to m...

How do I use MediaRecorder to record video without causing a segmentation fault?

I'm trying to use to record video, and no matter what I do the android runtime segmentation faults when I call prepare(). Here's an example: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i("video test", "making recorder"); MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(); contentResolver = get...