
Working with C# Anonymous Types

Hello I am calling a method that returns a List variable that contains a c# Anonymous Type objects. For example: List<object> list = new List<object>(); foreach ( Contact c in allContacts ) { list.Add( new { ContactID = c.ContactID, FullName = c.FullName }); } return list; How do I reference this type propert...

How to return an anonymoust type list

Hi all, it's possible to return, from a method, an anonymous type list? I build my list of anonymoust type like this var l = (new[] { new { Name = "thename", Age = 30 } }).ToList(); Thanks ...

C++ initialize anonymous struct

I'm still earning my C++ wings; My question is if I have a struct like so: struct Height { int feet; int inches; }; And I then have some lines like so: Height h = {5, 7}; Person p("John Doe", 42, "Blonde", "Blue", h); I like the initialization of structs via curly braces, but I'd prefer the above be on one line, in an anony...

Creating an anonymous type dynamically??

I wanna create an anonymous type that i can set the property name dynamically. it doesn't have to be an anonymous type. All i want to achieve is set any objects property names dynamically. It can be ExpandoObject etc. But dictionary will not work for me. What are your suggestions? thanks a lot ...

How to augment anonymous type object in C#

Hi, I often need to augment a object with a property for instance. Until now (tired of it ;) and it's ugly too) I have done it this way: var someListOfObjects = ...; var objectsWithMyProperty = from o in someListOfObjects select new { o.Name, /*...

Passing anonymous typed group to a function

I needed to pass a IGrouping on an anonymously typed index to a function. List<DataClass> sampleList = new List<DataClass>(); var groups = sampleList.GroupBy(item => new { item.A, item.B, item.C }); I needed to process each of the groups with a function. So I wrote this which works. static void ProcessGroup<T>(IGrouping<T, DataCl...