
Less than 16 bits int in C ?

Possible Duplicate: Any guaranteed minimum sizes for types in C? Is there a computer architecture in which the type int in ANSI C can instantiate a variable with less than 16 bits, or 16 bits is the minimum length in any architecture? ...

Using ANSI-C quoting in sed

Hello, I have a file named "insert.txt". It can look like this (or uglier): ASDFG?|??|?\/\HJKL<MNBVCXZQWERTYUIOP zxvbnmlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop 123"'`~4567890987654321!@#$%^&*() @#$%^&*()+_}{":?> And I want to replace a block of text in a target file (target.txt) which is delimited by "STARTSTACKOVERFLOW" to "STOPSTACKOVERFLOW". (I am sim...