
Is it possible to have a grammar where a "keyword" can also be treated as a "non-keyword"?

I have the following grammar in ANTLRWorks 1.4. I'm playing around with ideas for implementation of a parser in a text-adventure game creator, where the user will specify the various allowable commands for his game. grammar test; parse : cmd EOF; cmd : putSyn1 gameObject inSyn1 gameObject; putSyn1 : Put | Pla...

ANTLR ambiguity in DeCaf - professor unsure where error is

I'm working on a project for school with converting a BNF form Decaf spec into a context-free grammar and building it in ANTLR. I've been working on it for a few weeks and been going to the professor when I've become stuck, but I finally ran into something that he says should not be causing an error. Here's the isolated part of my gramma...